

I watched the entire first season of The Following. So yes, we exist. There are tens of us!

I agree with all of that. I was surprised when people kept expecting LOST-esque mysteries from Breaking Bad, since it was always a very straight-forward show.

Good News For People Who Love Bad News?

I kind of like Norm Macdonald's interpretation of the Breaking Bad finale.

I… I've got some bad news about Wayne.

If I remember correctly, that episode revealed some things about Hannibal's childhood that gave some insight into his intentions/motives, which I thought was somewhat valuable. Other than that and a murderous Molly Shannon, the episode was pretty forgettable.

Molly Shannon wasn't that bad.

No child should be a doctor.

Funny, it was a childhood fantasy of mine to have my face ripped off by a monkey named Charles. I'm in!

Fair enough. I see there are quite a few comments saying the same thing now. I usually give them a pass, though, because I know, depending on your Disqus sort settings, you might have to go through several pages to find that somebody already said what you were thinking.

I feel like such a moron for being the first to point it out. Why should I expect Newswire to get basic facts straight? God, I'm so stupid. Thank you for showing me the way, Jesse.

4. "She's, like, really hot."

He was planning on having you killed either way.

More like white Australian host body.

"Call me Ishmael,
I'm going to fucking kill you, Kim,
I hope you get ill,
With the white whale's sin"

Hey, don't talk about my cousin shitbird that way. She's a saint!

I shudder to think of what creatures will crawl out of the primordial sludge to replace them.

You know how the conservative arts students are always getting their dander up about the liberal arts students.

Please see a doctor immediately.