
I think we need to start separating millennials from the youngs.

Every decade has its good King adaptation surrounded by a glut of mediocrity.

I’m pretty sure there have been many success stories where someone created a demand, then met it.

When my mother bakes chicken breasts, she rubs them in mayo and dredges them in bread crumbs first. It’s easier (and less messy) than an egg dip, and does essentially the same thing.

Nice to see a new FA post.

Guess that when working at a printed media entertainment news company, looking things up online, like google’ing “Woman astronauts”, is considered treason.

That’s why I have started to buy the TPB collections. It takes a little bit longer but you get the whole arc. And you don’t have to re-read back issues to remember what happened before. And the TPB is usually cheaper than the total spent on the single issues. And the single issues will never be worth anything at

There’s going to be about five people that get that joke.

Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the Posches?!?!?

Saskatchewan population density: 4.7/sq mile

The target was probably sipping tea in a patio chair.

Any excuse no matter how slim to post a picture of a Blackbird! (I know the article isn’t about the Blackbird but who doesn’t love looking at it?!)

Well, Amazon’s paying them to say it, so...

Well, Amazon’s paying them to say it, so...

Yeah its really weird. The former Gawker sites have become this weird mix Anti-Trump/pro-Russia that I cannot understand given they also claim Trump works for Russia.

Of course, what Mackey really said was that he wanted to import some of Amazon’s customer focus. He said nothing about its employee culture.

Trump has really brought out the worst in people, on both sides of the fence. This is especially true for the writers and editors of this blog system.