Sherlock Homey

I have a young teenaged son who has observed this dynamic in his 9th grade class. "How come that guy, who is such a douche, always seems to have a girlfriend?". I'll tell you what I told him: The douche in question ASKS girls out. When one says no, he asks another. The "nice guys" I have know that don't get

Seriously, though, comparing a mountain to a mountain is just lazy.

I give serious side eye to guys who claim to love 69, I think what they are really saying is "I love blow jobs and would like to eat you out in the laziest manner possible".

Is chemistry what the kids are calling alcohol these days?

But if I don't threaten people with death, how will they know that I want them to die?

There is no way to know if she's healthy — only she knows that.

There is no way to actually do an exorcism.

We will not rest until we see a fat, non-white, trans, gay woman from a poor background with some sort of mental disorder AND physical disability modeling for every clothing company in America.

Then you're a crap photographer.

PNAS. Heh hehe heh. PNAS. Eh heh heh.

  • Dodge & Burn, $10,000 for a decent photograph of anything

I don't get it. Is this supposed to be funny?

Perhaps it's because the US is often viewed by people from other countries as a monolith defined only by its worst qualities, rather than as a complex, highly varied country? And US citizens are giving a little back, in generally innocuous comments.

"I'm pretty much obsessed with etiquette and politeness..."
"I passive-aggressively jarred his foot with my backpack"
Go on...

Where on this site does it say Tracie is a feminist blogger? Where on this site does it says Jezebel itself is a feminist site?

Do not trust your doctor,

I agree that it's a risk patients should know about, but it's not GIANT MURDER RING that the article summary suggests, and for many women, there are reasons they cannot take oral HBC that make the risk from NuvaRing still worth it for them. (And AFAIK, the risk of harm from the NuvaRing is still smaller than the risk

Twitter is proof that most people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions beyond, "when should I not crap myself today?"