Sherlock Homey

Being a fan of non sequiturs, I kinda like your comment.

They are the same people that don't flush public toilets.

Well, not looking his best, but he's no Val Kilmer. . . . thank god.

I'm a guy, but I used a couple of style guides to get started. Good ones will actually tell you why something looks good. Once you understand a little, you can try a few outfits out, and see what you feel good in. Then it starts to get fun, because once you know what looks good, and once you know what makes you feel

You are welcome.

Kiwi men are so hot. Women too.

Just FYI, there aren't that many Scientologists.

I've always seen Mao at the top of the "who killed the most people" lists. Like, way, way at the top, by a huge margin.

I don't know where Clutch got Tijuana from, because all the other sources say he was killed in Mexico City.

How is it not available to boys? The CDC recommends it. I would imagine if I go ask for an HPV inoculation for my sons, the doctor will give it to them. In fact, I suppose I should do that the next time I take them in.

I had no idea manual transmissions were still popular. Honestly, I thought the car companies had mostly stopped making them. I always preferred manuals, but in Los Angeles traffic, I'm glad to have an automatic.

You and I see eye to eye. I use unscented everything (soap, detergent, deodorant), and put on cologne if I want to smell like something other than myself, even though I am sure natural odor is pleasant and enticing too.

That seems a little more straightforward than "micro-capsules."

As far as I know, currently a man can't know if he has HPV, at least not through a standard test. There is no approved test for males.

There is no answer.

You made a similar comment in another thread. The fact that you already have so much time and energy invested into your job is one of the main reasons you should avoid workplace romance. You need to find a life outside of your job, and a workplace romance is almost guaranteed to make work more complicated and

If they were getting real people to play the puppets, I'd nominate Judy Dench for Lady Elaine Fairchilde.

How am I defending anything?

I see this said by people in various places, but the tagline "Jezebel is gossip, culture, fashion, and sex for the contemporary woman" doesn't really suggest anything about being ethical, and despite mentioning women, says nothing about feminism. I've looked for an official mission statement before, but I've never

All right, I see now that National Health is termed "free at the point of use," so I understand why it might be called free. On the other hand, I believe it is partially funded by the VAT, so you probably do pay some taxes into it.