
"If a black person from TV says it, that means it can't be racist for me to quote it!" — Racists.

Hey, buddy, did you get a load of the nerd?

But did he ever figure out the pickle matrix?

Do us all a favour and invent yourself some underpants!

As movies go, I saw both Selma and Kingsman: The Secret Service. Selma was a well-done Oscar movie as these things go and David Oyelowo's was a powerful enough central performance to pull through some of the weaker moments in the script. Kingsman was a ridiculous action popcorn flick with great action sequences,

This means I can say "Harry and the Potters are this decade's Neutral Milk Hotel" with total accuracy

American-English Patient

3 of them. It's a remarkably common trope.


I finally get my internet to cooperate with my watching and I get THIS?

I feel like Obama would have too much security to make that worth it. What's killing, say, Jimmy Carter offer me in the presidential assassination/sexual favours market?

Given the last line of the Wanted comic was "This is my face when I'm fucking you in the ass", it's safe to say that Mark Millar's following pornstar career rules: always finish with butt stuff

Massive Radioactive Ants. Makes playing instruments way harder, plus people tend to flee in terror.

When I was a kid, I had these guinea pigs. They were brothers and they were pretty much the most relaxed pets, which was pretty great for a lazy kid who couldn't be bothered with walking a dog or whatever. Mostly they ate leaves and would hide their head in your elbow when you held them. One day they just disappeared.

I literally didn't know NAMBLA existed til just now and…wow. That is one awkward logo. All the other stuff is awful, but that's what stood out for some reason.

I've been trying to come up with a take that doesn't sound awesome. "Sweaty pederasts fighting Nazis" is the best I got.

Not to mention the anti-war message of Gallipolopoly, the pro-legalisation subliminal of Rasta Mon-opoly and the teaching union-funded Edna Krabopoly

Honestly I felt like the way that it shuttled you from one aspect of the story to the next, L.A. Noire was only really sandbox in a token way. Mafia 2 had a similar flavour, if I remember. For all it helped immersion, it sure didn't add any fun.

I once went through an elaborate series of steps designed to let you play as the mask in a secret bonus level of Crash Bandicoot. I spent about 4 hours jumping up and down in one corner of one level. The bonus level didn't exist, and I was a dumb kid.

The unseen agenda of feminist rights that only MRAs like him are fighting makes Sue Storm an "Invisible Girl".