
These all looked like scenes from the first part of the movie, right? As in, once the Fantastic Four are fantastic the film will become a big vague mess with a poorly-motivated villain emerging as a legit threat only in the latter half?

Superhero names will be mentioned either jokingly or by the media/military-industrial complex backing the project, with the characters laughing them off.

Give a boy sat in a crescent moon a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a boy sat in a crescent moon to get a degree in animation and he'll get laid off.

"And that talking coyote was just a talking dog!"

Works on contingency (?) No (,) money down!

In fact, it's often the very first word in the show!

"I was the Lindbergh baby! Wah-wah! Goo-goo! I miss my fly fly da da!"
"Are you trying to stall us, or just senile?"
"A little from Column A, a little from Column B"

"Those points where there are two sets of footprints out of nowhere? That's where I set down for a breather while I was carrying you."

Hello Smithers. You're quite good. At turning me. On.

"Homer Simpson sleeps naked in an oxygen tent which he believes gives him sexual powers!"
"Hey! That's a half truth!"


"Except over there they call him "annual gift man" and he lives on the Moon."

My car gets forty rods to the hog's head and that's the way I like it!

My go to quote for discussions of US politics is still "Abortions for all! Abortions for none! Abortions for some, tiny American flags for others!"

"You know, Maggie, the sooner kids talk, the sooner they talk back. I hope you never say a word."

"She'll go three hundred hectares on a single litre of kerosene."

Later-seasons favourite with "You can do anything now that scientists have invented magic!" but that same episode features "No one's gay for Moleman."

"Hey buddy, did you get a load of that nerd?"
"Excuse me?"

"We're talking about S-E-X. In front of the C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N."
"Sex cauldron? I thought they closed that place down!"

"Professor, without knowing precisely what the danger is would you say it's time to crack each other's heads open and feast on the goo inside?"
"Yes I would, Kent."