
Eh..dictionary attacks pretty much cancel out the statistical advantage in xkcd's example.

As someone who also has depression, it helps. It can be hard as hell to start (or get back into) but once you get in the habit, it makes it easier to recognize thoughts that pop up due to depression for what they are. It won't 'cure' depression, but it can make it a lot more manageable.

This is a nice guide for the beginner, but an important thing to note is that focusing on the breath isn't the objective - it's just a method for achieving the desired state of mindfulness and attention to the minutiae of one's self and surroundings. Also, the difference between focusing on one thing intently and

Even sitting could be a gender issue, she showed. She ran clips of how male and female characters sit in Destiny, a game that imbues its heroes of either gender with the same capabilities. When the guy sits, he just sits, feet and butt on the ground, knees up. When the female character sits, she lays on the side of

Adi Shankar (the producer) actually has a video on his Youtube page explaining that he didn't make this (or his other projects) as a preliminary to creating a full length film. Which means it offers *zero* competition to any reboot Saban intends to make.

As much as my group has been loving 5e, it really irks me how we haven't (previously) been given any clue as to how magic items will work in the new system. I'm glad to see they're trying to reduce the number of "Monty Hall" campaigns, but people are still trying to play all this time waiting for the DM guide.

It has

It did kind of invalidate the *entire* point of her time with Toph though.

Your point stands, but now it feels like they just threw in the bit about the remaining poison as an excuse to show old lady Toph, i.e. fan service.

Personally I liked Untitled #3 and 4 better (from the same album) but each version of it was pretty great. Listening to this album for the first time while driving along the coast at Big Sur was a life changing experience.

It could be really fun if an author played with #4 in the way that it worked out historically - author spends time building up how awesomely sharp some particular weapon material used by all of group X is, and then some other group comes in and just...breaks them, because they are brittle.

I am *completely* okay with number 3. The trope is a direct holdover from viking sagas (and less famously from older eras) where swords made from superior (though mundane) ore were highly regarded, sometimes to the point where they are regarded like a magic weapon.

Sure, we could go back to just saying that someone's

Huh...never considered it from the Skiing point of view. When I was a kid (in New England) and went playing in the woods, a favorite tactic was hiding in the tree wells. If you could manage to sneak up on someone who was *in* the tree well, you'd kick the trunk to make all the snow come down on your hapless victim

Ahh okay, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarificaiton.

I'm totally okay with straying from Tyrion's storyline from the books. Like most things east of Braavos, it seemed like a complete waste of time for the character.

Are you 100% sure they haven't met...? It's been a year or so since I finished book 5, but I swear I remember them meeting, Dany saying something along the

*Warms up hands by the comments-fire* So what everyone seems to be saying is, we need to play (G)Ender's Game.

At first, I had a feeling Kuvira was going to be like the Kaiser. Once they showed the spirit root being used for who knows what...yeah, Kuvira is Hitler, Varrick is the Thule society, and well...the spirits should start getting worried about where they land in this analogy.
EDIT: extending this WW2 vibe...I get the

As someone who has been a bit of a road-nomad at times, this looks awesome. As with all such endeavors though, my first question is where did they get the startup for their supplies? Livestock like that aren't cheap - and having more than just meat for breakfast lunch and dinner means you need some pretty in depth

For all those talking about how some of the Section 9 members were drawn "with European features" and that makes it less of an issue to cast white actors: do none of you remember the article about how Japanese people consider a lot of the characters in Mario to look Japanese? Our perceptions about which members of

Assuming they deconstruct/reconstruct the person, it makes me wonder at what point the memories stop before reconstruction. I'm now imagining a SF horror story where the main character has some serious PTSD because he remembers a bit too much of the experience of being deconstructed.

Like having your body remade after

IT guy for a legal office by day, writer-in-trying by night, and a Dungeon Master extraordinaire on the weekends. Degree in Chinese with way too much knowledge of classical Chinese ghost stories, i.e. just about the most useless degree imagineable. I stay for the concept art dumps - they make for some great writing

Yes, because spending money on the materials and tools required to make the cosplay, paying for the price of a con, and probably spending a bunch on semi-durable goods (comics) that support an industry (and by extension, professionals) I actually like, rather than paying $12-15 for a single 2-3 hour movie I'll both be