
I think the main problem with nazi-dracula is it would take away the whole "first vampire who has been around since forever" aspect of it. Doesn't feel as much like an ancient, immortal evil if they're only as old as your grandad.

If we want to throw that out the window though, hell yes lets make a Nazi stormtrooper

Considering how we all find *something* that isn't accurate or feels completely off based on our personal prefered mix of historical Vlad vs. vampire mythos Dracula, it surprises me they haven't done a version where both Vlad *and* the Ottomans were terrible.

Picture this: Vlad suits up and his army is cheering him on

Reminds me of a line in the "how to write diverse characters like real people" post not too long ago. The linked article had a line that went something like "Why can't we ignore color and all just be PEOPLE! - translation: why can't we all just be white?"

Ganondorf blanched - Link could time travel?

Be careful. Androids protect that forest.

"Try rebooting me. Wait, NO —-" BzZZT

Also true. There's a sort of media based cultural segregation that I think fuels a lot of the problems the article talks about. Someone sees a movie trailer where the entire cast is black and thinks "well, I'm not going to understand what's going on there". Hell, even kids movies have been like this sometimes. Not

That part mostly kills me because I did have quite a few POC friends both in college and in the Army, but like I said - I'm terrible at keeping in touch. In the sphere of writing though, I supose thinking back to those individuals and how different they were within the same race/religion/nationality/etc as inspiration

Really great article. I did feel conflicted about parts of the message though. In one paragraph it stated that only writing white characters is boring. In terms of the media at large, I agree completely. My only worry there is if someone is likely to dismiss an individual work that happened to only have white

I'm currently trying to plot the demise of one who is imune to stealth kills, ranged, and melee/finishers. His only weakness is fire. Going to have to kite him into bonfire after bonfire. What happens if he starts running? I have no idea, because he's impervious to bullets.

I still think it would benefit Bethesda games to have combat something like this. Imagine Skyrim with an action-RPG combat system. Either the AC/Arkham system, or a Dark Souls type system. Just...anything but what it's been since Morrowind.

The downside to shielded pockets being that you can't receive calls either. Big Brother can't find you, but neither can your double-plus good friends.

There are some wallets out there with similar shielding to protect credit/debit cards from RFID related theft, those are actually pretty practical.

1. Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor E. Frankl
The one and only book I've ever sat up and read from cover to cover in one sitting. Also one of the only 16 hour night shifts I had no trouble staying awake for.

2. Dune, Frank Herbert
Everything about it. Just... yeah. This one will always be with me.

3. Hero of a Thousand

Similar studies that made it to animal trials actually *reversed* aging in mice. They gave mice who were at an advanced age the treatment and they became as sprightly as when they were in the mouse-equivalent of their 20's.

The downside? They got cancer of the everywhere. Really, really fast. There's a reason cells

"I am a node of Server
Born of flesh and blood,
But enhanced by the power of its web.
I have no use for pain or fear.
My scripts are a focus of my will.
My strength is my knowledge.
My weapons are my skills.
Information is the blood of my body.
I am part of the greater network.
I am host to the vast data of Server.
My flesh is

What makes this even worse - friendly fire. Which occurs disturbingly often as is with bullets. Imagine that **** *** squad-mate who has no sense of muzzle awareness, and then imagine a situation where this new part of his rifle is literally always firing.



***Okay you get it now right? Good.***

When the protagonist came back, it kind of ruined it for me. Like George RR might say, "that character should have stayed dead." Some of those main characters just getting ruthlessly trashed and discarded, was awesome. It felt like the early

I've always found it curious how so many people come to this realization and get stuck in the rut that is existentialism. Personally I find the notion that nothing matters in the long run to be pretty liberating (and no, that doesn't mean I run around poisoning wells and/or treating people like crap). Even if I were a

So...because the government doesn't think private industry can pull it off, they aren't going to let them try? I hear what they're saying about the difficulty of gathering the funds/research required, but refusing to pass a law that gives them the economic incentive in the first place isn't going to help change that.


Spreading the glory of the Thu'um, Duh. Can you imagine Thor with Fus Ro Dah? Talos can. And Talos is excited about it.