
I see some black eye-shaped (well, as far as storm troopers are concerned) triangles on the back of the first one - that would actually be pretty cool if they were doing like a lot of jungle animals do, having paterns on the back of their heads that look like eyes. Then again, start white in the jungle wouldn't be

"For a man cannot lose either the past or the future: for what a man has not, how can any one take this from him?" - Marcus Aurelius, from "Meditations"

Thinking of it from the perspective of (armchair) neuroscience, having someone recall an unhappy event is almost synonymous with having them recall the associated feeling it gave them. Whatever their mind associates with those events comes part and parcel with the recollection of the event itself. If they've truly

I think it's a delicate balance of two priorities:
1. Making things better (in a way that isn't necessarily linked to happiness)
2. Making things happier.

There's a lot of merit (in my opinion) in electing to pursue self-betterment over immediate happiness. As far as other people are concerned though? Better to let them

Did a double take - at first I thought it said "orbital cannon"

It blows my mind that any well-intentioned scientists and/or science enthusiasts would complain about *any* field of study receiving funding. Asking for recognition of the importance of one's field is legitimate, but this is like a chemist saying "give us more grant money and give physics less" - it's silly. They

You missed "The Last Question" by Isaac Asimov. It's very short, go read it. You'll be glad you did.

Voyager satellite returns! From opposite direction!

Report suspicious humans. Terra-rism is real.