
Prometheus and Terminator Salvation are both great movies.

Boring discussion. Basically giving people a reason to moann.

There is literally nothing in this article except "don't buy a house"

can we do it with a puppy next?

Backed by actual peer reviewed studies or was that just some horseshit that a local farmer told you while trying to sucker you into buying an overpriced papaya?

The sad reality is this rep is paid on commission to keep this from cancelling. His job is probably on the line...

except it's pretty common knowledge

yeah, this is misleading.

If you try really really hard, you can still rub one out.

If I haven't seen it, it's new to me.

Landscape orientation, stable camera, footage trimmed to the action, I've died. This must be gearhead heaven. Thank you Jesus.

you know what else pedophiles love? I have it on good authority that they love housing, automobiles and food. Best be safe and stay away from those too.

call me crazy, but isn't it more likely that something just ate the tag?

If I had to boil the art or riding down to two words, they would be traction management.

I lasted til 1:12

there's like a trillion more... that's what's with the numbers

Anyone who has ever dated someone they met online knows how this works.

I'm just gonna go ahead and put this here. Having worked in fireworks in a large theme park in Florida, I can tell you all your cellphone is doing is ruining the experience of everyone behind you. Just enjoy it! (But for the love of god, if you do shoot them, TURN OFF YOUR FLASH.) Thank you.