
Everyone here REALLY doesn't get it. Seriously.Can you buy anything with gold? Seriously, show me anywhere that will take gold bullion as payment for goods or services. Please.

I disagree for many reasons. You can't decide whether a move a CEO makes is politically motivated or not. With any business it's a good idea to accept as many currencies as possible, as long as they all make sense. It's the same reason they accept Visa AND American Express. It might not be a breakthrough in the value

That's how bitcoin works, genius. You can buy bitcoin with cash, and you can't buy things with cash on overstock.

I'm confused.

There are several problems with this article.

So Matt...... this is the same thing as saying Thomas Jefferson owned slaves. Yep, sure did. Perhaps when you do something as great as Nikola Tesla, you know, like invent the Radio, I'll give this article some more respect. Who cares if his stories are over exaggerated and people don't focus on the negatives?

The woman is not walking at least 6 feet behind the man, plus her face isn't covered. What a disrespectful slut....

I agree. I can't stand her or Erics stupid posts.....

Eric needs to change his avatar.... makes me want to punch him and f_ck his girlfriend.

Fact - 99% of car accidents are from human error.

I really with Lily would stop making these shit articles....

Fuck you Gizmodoe. Although, I like this pic.

Cuz he ain't goin' straight down. Besides, terminal velocity has a helluva lot more to do with that than just a human free falling. He is wearing a special suit designed to propel him forward..... I think you are missing some here buddy.

How much do the gizmodo servers use every day? Gawker?

I guess fat peoples hands have gotten so fucking fat this has become difficult enough to warrant a solution?

It can help you can take shitty photos? Wow....

this is the stupidest shit I've ever read

All of you geniuses with zero criminal law experience have really awesome opinions...

"Sure, you could just turn off the new social side of Netflix"

What's wrong with being addicted to porn?