
6th grade osmosis lesson is coming back to me........ jtfc... what's next?

I see. So you're involved with the study whatsoever?

WTF is a pancreas level?

That's what some said about nuclear technology.... that's the stupidest argument I've ever heard. Why don't we stop dogs before they evolve thumbs and start shooting at us with assault rifles? IT COULD HAPPEN EVENTUALLY.

I stopped at 42 seconds. James Cameron didn't "rip-off" the mechanical robot suits from Aliens..... HE DIRECTED BOTH MOVIES. It was an awesome movie. Fern Gully meets The Abyss. Awesome. Fuck this guy.

This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Aaaaaand..... who's DNA are they using? Shawn Johnson's? (I hear he's sprayed many a person with DNA)

I think it's perfectly acceptable to ask scientists not to research a new flu strain, just like it's acceptable to ban my next door neighbor from building a bomb,

The fuck you need to wash it?

I'm not homicide detective... but I'm pretty sure he acted alone in this suicide.

what in the fuck kind of journalism is this? Can you go get examples at least?

Airplanes are pressurized.... so.....

Oh right... and people are paying for photoshop.... BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Some guy found it in a taxi. He wasn't mugged on the street, and it wasn't stolen from his car. THE TITLE IS VERY, VERY misleading. Last time I checked finders keepers means losers weepers. I'm sure it was a matter of calling the phone, and being like... hey man, give me my phone back. That's why he gave the

Phone left in cab>>>>>>>> (DOES NOT FUCKING EQUAL stolen) .

11. Who gives a fuck?

condoms? ha! What is this... 1995?

It's because they're running out dude......

So okay... where the fuck exactly is "the science of beer bubbles" in this article?

I've written better articles on bar-bathroom walls.

hey gizmodo..... NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT SOME RETIRED PEDOPHILE WHO'S WANTED FOR MURDER. I hate that I even know those details..... Can't you write about the new software issue/hack/awesome technology/copied story from reddit?