
Oh FFS stop it with this “unalived” bullshit. You sound like a 10 year old trying to be edgy 

Wouldn’t AI not make that mistake?

Just dropping in to remind everyone that TOM CRUISE IS FUCKING PART OF THIS!  He’s not just in the cult, he’s at the top of the pyramid and there are no end of stories from former members detailing all the shit he’s done.  He doesn’t have a small number of victims, he has a Harvey Weinstein count of victims.  He may

Scientology :

Damn you, Xenu!!!

Also please don’t use cutesy language like “unalived” to describe murder. He (allegedly) murdered her. 

Yeah, that’s some real dogshit title work.  They’re using “kicked off” in the “started with a bang” sense rather than “kicked off” in the “GTFO, DAKOTA!” sense.  But there’s no context anywhere to indicate which way that ambiguous phrase is being used, so it’s now just 100% clickbait.

Oh, I honestly only got it when I read this.

I had a hell of a time trying to parse the headline before realizing “kicked off Sundance” meant she started the event and not that she had been removed from some kind of panel or something at Sundance because of her comments.

Dakota Johnson roasted Armie Hammer, which is ironic because that’s exactly how Hammer would prepare Johnson.

Maybe talking to the manager will help. Have you tried that?

Collect your 200 rubles vatnik. You aren’t American or a single mother. Our help to Ukraine against Russia’s barbaric and criminal invasion is justified and not hurting anyone’s finances in the US.

Will it actually be two-day shipping? Will it be like current Prime shipping, where everything is delayed? Or will it be like current 3rd party orders, where it’s marked as on it’s way because they printed a shipping label but it’s still sitting in the store/warehouse 4 days later?

Awesome, knowing that Tobacco did the music for this definitely is pushing it up on my priority list

In college I saw the wall and clockwork orange on the same night in an altered state. I am surprised I survived.

I sort of guess that’s not really the point (or, perhaps more likely, the conservatives who championed it didn’t think that far). I imagine this is meant— as so much GOP nonsense is— to be mostly performative.

no, u

This list feels incomplete without Snoop Dogg.

“That’s what we need! A big, spinning, holographic Christmas tree!”

Why does this look so familiar...

Help us Santa, you’re our only hope!