
It's only accurate if they call it Америка красный.

I was quite disappointed in Moon Knight. Really thought they had a chance to do something vastly different than typical Marvel content. But, I’m not going to hop on twitter and berate the people that made it. These people who get mad at every little thing involving a woman need to get lives.

I never understood how it’s even a walk of shame. Like it’s somehow shameful to have sex and leave the next morning? It’s really a walk of pride. 

Wait a minute — people got angry at THAT?!?

I for one am really enjoying all the “Bugger off” energy being directed at the the crummy, toxic side of the fandoms!

Imagine having to sign up for “America Blue” in order to vote

Username/comment synergy is pretty gross!

And this comes after being so tired - positively exhausted, even - of all the winning during the Trump presidency.

I’m sure his lawyers also told him not to buy Twitter.

...much for the “free speech absolutist”?

But who the hell is going to play Egg-Head and The Bookworm!?!?

And mind you, this was AFTER his initial antisemitic comments and his nonsense about slavery being a choice.


I wish comedy was legal on Twitter.

These climate activists are legendary.. So much for free speech and comedy on Twitter 😕

“In the past a “negative tweet” was anything posted by someone with a conservative view.”

140 page slide show.  Wow.

142 fucking slides. Eat shit Giz.

Did Kinja get hacked?