
You mean that shooting in texas where a bunch of cowards stood around and let a bunch of kids die.

How are you this fucking stupid?

Exactly. You don’t arrest someone for NOT committing a crime. What the fuck are you thinking? Or are you thinking at all?

Vitellaro labeled the boy as an “offender” who wasn’t complying with directions.”

Yeah I’m not going to comply with some random plain-clothed individual screaming at me and trying to grab me either. Imagine that. 

You’re a racist troll. So your opinion is worthless on any matter.

And...really...who’d -want- to pick up after GRRM? It’s not like he leaves detailed outlines...

As usual, George was joking

There’s one way to stop these questions, and it’s not to complain about them. (It’s to deliver the books.)

There’s a solution to this problem.

This reminds me of the old Onion story about fun toy ruined by 3 stupid children.  

Things bouncy castles are still safer than, statistics from 2009 to now:

It’s a damn good one. 

Yes, good. Let the leftist self-cannibalizing and purity tests begin! 

Usually I don’t appreciate the snark around here but I totally understand why you would be attacking a website that was “floating a lot of odd language in its coverage” or being “weirdly reticent” to acknowledge something obvious.

Look, it took some arguing, and my manager didn’t like, it, but in the end I convinced him to knock the dirty tricks off the list. And I got him to throw in the bait and switch, and cut the doc fees in half!

Very sorry you got duped and hope you get your nut back! That’s  a lot of loot! 

while this lawsuit is unlikely to go anywhere I would absolutely love for all investing to be labeled as gambling is.


Move along folks, Nothing to see here.