
I mean, we clicked.  That’s all the reason in the world for them to continue covering her.

Personally, I’d love to see a sequel that completely ignores the first movie but still has Phoenix as the Joker. Make it ANOTHER origin story, but completely different. It would fit in with the Joker not really having an official origin story. 


speaking as a member of the LGBTQ community, i personally don’t find these annual things that offensive. i just shrug it off as part of the equality we worked for: now we’re pandered to with crappy promotions just like everyone else is.

Not gonna lie, I’m gay as fuck and I think this is so fucking funny 😂😂😂😂

But it completely misses the mark by forcing a sexual innuendo on a...burger.

I’ve gotta be “that guy” and admit I’m not sure why this is so offensive. I mean...BK is a fast-food burger joint, what else should they try? Rainbow color their fries? What idea is better that doesn’t involve a whole new menu item or extensive retraining on how to make/cook it?

Child actors can’t help it if they get stuck with shitty dialogue, as was the case in Ep 1.

Oh bother.

I think the answer is he’s just turned into a jagoff. If he’s been reduced to beating a “trans joke horse” to death I think he’s just trying to be controversial and caught a groove and is rolling with it because people will be talking about it.

I dont believe YOU, when you say you don’t believe him. See now all comments are up for question, how do you like it

You almost never know who the opening act is for a comedy show and sometimes you don’t like that act.

Yeah, Pete Davidson isn’t conventionally a “hot guy”, but I strongly suspect he’s good company, funny, and low-stress. Cruz can’t fathom a good personality being a factor because he has the personality of a bog leech in cold oil and assumes that hot girls rejected him solely because of his looks.

A sick joke at a Halloween party... that they weren’t even at or invited to! Mad just to be mad! Was it in poor taste? Absolutely. Did Neil Patrick Harris invent poor taste?!?!

Finally, people will be able to eat burritos

This is what happens when the “smart” kids are unable to figure out the proper way to fold a burrito and decide to find a solution to a problem of their own laziness.... Another solution looking for a problem.... Gordon Ramsey must be ashamed of these kids.

I’m certain that the book series will have an ending. The publisher will see to that.

I mean, what else is there to say?

Anything to be horrified.