
...this is not a quote but rather a “menu” as he called it and that with the exception of all the fees below the taxes, the add-on items were “optional.” He insisted that this is their way of being upfront and honest with the consumer about what is being offered.

jajaja in Ron Howard

Well, at least you didn’t make the mistake of adding anything useful to the conversation.

Yur fun!

they deemed a teen who got pregnant by accident too immature to have an abortion.

I’m so burnt out on “you sound jealous” that I tune the rest out. There’s so little value collectively found past that phrase that I can’t be bothered.

You could have played it on your phone’s browser you giant ass.

Let’s not kid ourselves that this isn’t (at least in large part) an opportunity for good PR for Frank Kent MC.
Still, motives aside, good on them for stepping in to help out.

And while the dealer is trying to make it right for Fredricks, he’s still out of $10,000 and a car.

Fuck’s sake, why get triggered over a simple mistake?

Don’t cut yourself on that edge . . .

Had the vehicle been left there it may have become a macabre sight. I praise the rescuers.

You realize that rescue workers aren’t conscripts and do this voluntarily, right?

All local reports on this described the rescue as a life-saving attempt.  That she didn’t make it was discovered after they recovered her body.  The crash was around 11:50 am.  They flew a drone over the car and saw a body and sent rescue in.  It has since been reported that she drove into the water intentionally.

I’m sure they were under the impression theirs was a rescue operation and not a recovery one, until they got to the woman’s body.

Yes. this article is poorly written and confusing. It also has a bunch of grammatical errors like missing words. 

Hey Spotify - do you want to add a useful feature? Show me the next track and give me an option to skip it if I don’t want that song next.

Princess Zelda.

If only I had more stars to give.