
Yeah, collectibles markets are highly speculative and risky. It’s weirdness and even production difficulties and shortcomings could possibly make it desirable to collectors someday.

You think the street value of Deloreans is what it is because they were good cars? No, they just became collectible.

If I buy the truck, it’s my property, right? How would the manufacturer regulate what I do with it after that? What claim could they possibly still have on it? Like they’ll void the warranty or something?

Not enough stars for this!

Kirk Cameron

For looks alone, I’m into it. It’s what the bad guys would be driving in a low-budget 80's scifi movie.

I think it looks rad. Reminds me of a low-budget 80's sci fi movie.

Counterpoint, hand out only candy you don’t like so you don’t gorge yourself.

Not mutually exclusive

No, he does not know this.

And yet, here you still are.

As was no doubt his plan.  He just loves journalism.

So gawker (or whatever it is now) is shilling for Bezos.  Hm, pass.

This site is now a shill for Bezos, smell ya later.

So it’s her fault? JFC she’s in a hospital in nowheresville NY.

Kewl story bro, but totally wrong.

Another remake horaaaaaayyyyyyy

If they can find a way to make it about class warfare, like maybe.  But still, without the mortal danger, that’s like Rocky without the boxing.

If the car is just a commodity, he should sue for the depreciation that’s bound to happen in the interim.

Have fun up there on your little cross.  I’m sure people like nurses, teachers, and cops are so sympathetic to the plight of wealthy actors.