
Intriguing story with a maddening lack of detail.  Yup, same old gawker. Or whataver.

Conservatives: “Nah.”

Rogan replied, “this is America,” and family leave is “a new concept” here.

...the list of Boebert’s MAGA Christian values

I didn’t see anything about this in the article, can you elaborate?

Oh my god we are getting too fragile. I lean pretty hard left, but shit like this got me carping about snowflakes and cancel culture.

Nah he’ll be on kid.rock/

Organized on

You’re welcome.

Wich of those groups was compromised of teddy bears?

I’m out on sw, but if your grandma battles stormtroopers, I might watch.

this checks out

Hating ewoks isn’t a pose, it’s a legit beef. Teddy bears armed with sticks and rocks defeat the army with laser guns and giant walking death machines? Nope. Should have been wookies, then it would have been dramatic and compelling.

It was terrible. A giant shrug from the writers.

If it did taste like thai basil, I’d be down.

Ugh, the fragility is getting out of control.  

When GS goes tits up, or even before it does, start a shop in your town that does all this.  You’ll have your dream store and your dream job.


Yeah, if they don’t like it they should quit! Oh wait.

You’re only as good as your last movie: