
I bet that endorsement put them waaayyyyy over budget.

Whoops, you already ruined your credit with crystal skull.  So maybe it’s the best movie since citizen kane but plenty of us will never bother to find out.  Who can trust these people after that?

I woulod use one the first week it’s installed and never again.  Are they really going to regularly clean the hoses carrying all this thick, sticky sludge?  I would bet no.

Is that what he’s about now, morality?  Certainly isn’t free speech as originally advertised.

Wranglers would be kinda cool, except every conversation with a wrangler driver when the weather’s changing has to start off with a little speech about their decision to either have the top off or on that day.

Or maybe they just disagree with you? Christ.

Reeves, the best superman so far, wasn’t particularly beefy.  


...only works on the already law abiding citizens.

...are you going to stop for a red light you know is there just to annoy fine you for speeding in a school zone?

Twitter is not a partisan site. Everybody is allowed here.

Enough with the colored buns already...I wish you’d focus on the food for once, and make it taste better.

“Act as my deceased grandmother, who used to lull me to sleep each night by offering me huge discounts on drive-through junk food.”

I wonder if this is a result of salespeople asking, “So what you got in mind for a monthly payment?” and dumb buyers just going by that. Buying cars they can’t really afford.


I still don’t get why anyone cares what this guy calls himself in the first place. You really think without the label he would be a good guy?

I wish CFA hadn’t been included in these stops, and I’ll never eat there. However, here’s why it won’t matter: when they *are* open, the line is ridiculous.

I’m in, but can we combine this with AI?  Anything that speeds up the downfall of human civilization.

I read the comics as a kid but eventually bailed on the films, because it’s just too much. Same with star wars, it’s like having a part time job just to keep up with it all.

Help help somebody I’m drowning in all this freedom.