
Yep. And I’ll be in the theater for the next one, praying it will be good. If it blows, I’m out for the rest of that trilogy, like I was for phantom menace. With this latest run, I went back for seconds, but not thirds.

“...while being expected to sympathizing with his plight.”

plus interest

he’s gifting us all endless streams of schadenfreude, starting with drastically overpaying for twitter

If I had a dozen more likes to give a single post, you’d have them all.

Came back to see if you’d done the stand-up thing and taken responsibility for your error instead of just sweeping it under the rug like a child. Nope. You told your readers to “prepare to be shocked.”

Doesn’t seem so. He just quietly removed that line with zero acknowledgement, zero lessons learned. 

Yeah, an article targeting a broadcaster for a dumb comment actually contains a way dumber comment.  But year gawker (or whatever this is now) prolly just gonna let that sliiiiide and continue sniping at more prominent public figures for lesser offenses.  

Is what Berman said worse than claiming Lincoln owned slaves? Noticed you took that part out of your article without apology or any acknowledgment. So if we’re really nitpicking and cancelling broadcasters over stupid and insensitive comments, what’s *your* penalty?

Apparently so. Sigh.

I’m a liberal, but stories like this turning me into desantis. This is a goof, and maybe even a good opportunity to learn something.  But it clearly wasn’t malicious and not a big deal.  If you’re so outraged try zoloft.

Thoroughly enjoying the right wing outrage at the new “woke” cfa sammich.  No I’m not making this up.  Like do they know how stupid they look?

Dems shoud run a head of cauliflower against Trump.  Clearly is strikes fear into their conservative hearts.

And yet, you’re here.  Hm.

Okay then, tell us: what’s the reasonable, thoughtful conservative take on Sam’s devil horns?

Hear hear. I am a parent to a kid who changed pronouns, it’s not like I’m not down with the cause. I still have deadnamed and misgendered him, doesn’t mean I don’t love him, just means I’m old, absent minded, and messed up. After I apologize for my error, I hug him and we move on. He doesn’t continue to berate me

I got one of those fancy macbooks with a keyboard and trackpad built right in.

He’s trying to be amiable and collegial.  What did you want him to say?

Mixed emotions.  On one hand, “Oh God this world is doomed.”  On the other hand, “They make a living at this? Hm...”

Not quite sure what everyone else’s expectations are when it comes to reality TV, but I read this headline as “Reality Show Is A Reality Show.”