
So how many contestants were killed? Judging by your tone, must be at least a couple dozen?

Ah thanks, I was just looking for a wet blanket!

...or “Babies 4 Gold” kiosks

No that’s cool, they raised money to follow their dream but it’s the wrong dream. Booooo!

1) This is so rad. I’m super into it.

So you start a $150m, firm and do what you think’s right with it.

If they actually roll out a living, breathing mammoth, I bet the patents alone will be worth more than that.

Except Tori Spelling is like 62.

Really? First I’ve heard but I’m curious.  Can you post links?

So where’s the part about her being kicked off?

If you want lo-fi games, there are plenty available.  If you want software companied to stop pushing the envelope, blow it out your ass.

You actually *read* the article before commenting?  That’s dirty pool.

So this policy of not paying their bills, Musk had nothing to do with that at all?  Well now that it’s public surely he’ll do something about it... right?

Hahahaha some wackaloon always ready to take any article about anything on a sharp right turn.  Is Shelly tied up in Pelosi’s basement!?  Pr0bubbly!!!!!!11!!!1!!

I quit Amazon and haven’t regretted it for a second.  Hoping this new innovation doesn’t make it more of a chore to avoid.  Fuck Amazon.

I can’t understand why anyone in the world gives a fuck.  At all.

Yep, they’re dumb.  But so is everything else.

How in the world do they imagine they're going to enforce this.

If you make viewing porn illegal, then only criminals will view porn.

Some of those actors will be missed, some not. That kid who played flash in JL was the only good thing about that whole movie.