

Jesus fucking christ. This isn’t Tumblr. You don’t have to be outraged all the time.

Casting doubt

Good lord you got sort of knee jerk on that. It is an interesting question, regardless of the sex of the pilot. He says right in the post that he is glad “she” (not the computer) got it down safely and agreed she is a BA as well. Hell, the very fact that she is an F18 pilot establishes her bad assery right there.

That’s cool! I did like how their tech seemed very achievable and now that is why it does. Really good planning.

This is equal parts niche product and halo engineering demo.

No. The little, rich asshole is receiving exactly what he deserves.

Are you serious?

The paperwhite *is* fabulous and well worth it, even at 80 its a slamming deal.

The paperwhite *is* fabulous and well worth it, even at 80 its a slamming deal.

I enjoyed Lovecraft’s stories for the ideas, but his prose is tedious as fuck.

Will they fix the way that most of the updates just feel like an excuse to try and beg us, once again, to try Microsoft Edge? Because... you’re not gonna make Microsoft Edge happen. No one is ever going to make a Microsoft browser open again. Sorry. Go join a support group with Google-Plus.

Or maybe you’re choosing to confirm your biases by reinterpreting vague statements as specific statements and pretending that vindicates you. Either way.

“This just in! Stranger on the internet reads into something what he wants, claims admitting a WORK ENVIRONMENT can sometimes be STRESSFUL is the same as confirming the bias the stranger had an agenda to find in the first place.

Now playing

AI (or a collective internet thought process) also made this one:


This is every manufacturer of every product.

But the EMALS!

The Art Department strikes again! A+ work, Sam.

I think it is worth noting that Donald Trump is almost certainly not the next Hitler and that I generally find comparisons between Nazism, the Holocaust, and contemporary people and events highly distasteful and disrespectful of all those who lost their lives. There are exceptions of course. It is appropriate to