
Ina Garten’s shit is legit.

I bail if I have to scroll for seven days to get past the the anecdotes about their children or dear old grandma. It might be a great recipe, but I don’t care about your life or your ad revenue enough to use it. 

Nothing says death and resurrection like Tony’s chocolonely eggs.

The batman/clark one is serving serious homoerotica vibes.

Why couldn’t they have cut it open to have a peak at the guts? That would have been a pretty definitive test at the time

When I lived on the coast I once hosted a group of out-of-towners from the midwest. I asked them where they wanted to eat and the consensus by far was red lobster, which they had in their city. I told them it was closed for renovation, which was true, and took them to Fleet Landing which was a restaurant on the wharf.

Here’s to hoping the new guys have something better than kinja. Also, people need to lay down the ax regarding salt. Not everyone is in the same salt-sensitive boat with regard to their health, get tested, and pour on the salt.

On the plus side, you got a free neutering.  The neuticles cost extra though.

If only the lungs had taste receptiors.

How much diarrhea can one expect from these volcano options?

American media will absolutely use this to produce faster disposable headlines that feed negative information because americans don’t tend to read into depth behind articles. 

You make good points but I would down vote you if I could. You’re skimming the surface of what this tool can do.

Here’s this fabulous laptop. Don’t forget this charger that’s 60% of its weight you’ll need to get it through the day. What is this? 1999?

The idea is that it was trying to blind the optics or put fuel into the air intakes for the engine. The fuel dumping was definitely an attempt to disable the drone. It would be a real shame if one of these drones had a navigational anomaly and crashed into a SU-27.

I’d be bummed if I paid $5k for that.

It would be a real shame if one of our drones suffered a navigational anomaly and flew into an SU-27.

My thoughts exactly. Since they can’t be bothered, here’s a link to an article with a photo of said AI image.

Am I alone in thinking this accessory holder thing on the back just looks like a hot fucking mess? Actually the whole thing is giving me early 2000s high-end office vibes. Impractical and ugly.

Not that I don’t think this is stupid, but the OLED is probably worth the price premium, if you want an ugly impractical TV.

Why is Arkansas, chicken and Walmart central, getting fucked relative to its neighbors?