
But this is not OUR singularlity god damn it! Imagine the profits lost!

I feel deceived. I expected a new DS9 series in the works.

It’s a fucking disgrace that the RS-25 is the best we can do and we only have a limited number of them.

Online sports betting is a terrible idea. Also those simulated slot machine games.

I had know idea the one I see driving around all the time in town was such a rarity.

Mutt is in prison for drunk driving at 8:30am and running over a group of school children.

Who is John Gault, and why ayn rand was a fucking nutjob.

The jury is still out on that about replacing the actors. I mean, there’s another article about deep-fake Mark Zuckerfuck that’s pretty convincing.

The AI is too strong to emulate Hershel Walkers mashed potatoes brain.

A lot of focus on financial performance here, but for the middle of the Sunday night dumping and emergency retreat to the last guy, might there be some other more personal issue at play here. Pure conjecture here, but in recent years a lot of emergency jettisons of a high level executive have come down to egregious

Russia should be cut completely out of the internet. Slam the windows. Close the doors. Burn the footbridge. Whatever they contribute can be re-made with less baggage. I recognize this will hurt well meaning people in Russia, but they should take that shit up with their government.

The new version will require “Lady Siri, would you kindly...”

Top shelf schadenfreude.

It’s time for MySpace to return from the void as OurSpace, complete with HTML hacks.

The best way to experience these would be in a KFC-Taco Bell, where you can get some hot sauce packets with your haul. The mac and cheese one would go great with diablo sauce.

Did you just try to “both-sides” government surveillance with big business surveillance? They’re both fucking awful.

I don’t understand how a static DST could be at odds with circadian rhythms. Your body adjusts to night/day cycles, otherwise you’d be fucked if you moved time zones, or even if you moved from the west side of one time zone to the east side. I can’t imagine how crazy it is to be in China where they have just one time

Take this posters advice. It’s a terrible day to have eyes if you don’t.

Up next, $2 animated gifs. What a bargain!