
“please tell us the re-dressed garbage you’d like to be served. it has nothing new and is a construct of our new limited menu, but please tell us how to arrange it. We’re making more money than ever, but we can’t give you what you really want because our executives need more bonuses.”

This general inflation is such a scam. These companies are testing pricing tiers consumers will tolerate. We keep buying, and they keep cranking them higher.

I’m sure these phones take great photos, but they don’t make for great product photos. These legit look like ass.

Russia had reasons to blow up this pipeline to engage force majeure clauses in their delivery contracts through nordstream 1 to avoid penalties from withholding gas voluntarily. Nordstream 2 deliveries were planned to have different terms and fixed price contracts that were more favorable to Russia. It’s pretty

Doesn’t going OTA place more FCC strictures on the content they show? Can they masquerade as a news channel without a disclaimer that its content is for entertainment?

I learned this in a small subway a couple of weeks ago when I ordered my regular order after a couple of months. The ESL woman behind the counter tried to explain it was gone by saying “WHAT CHICKON?” gesturing at the horrible strips and the worse cold cuts, and I threw my selected combo chips back on the rack and

It needs to be waterproof to ford the rivers of bullshit concerning its conception.

At our walmart, you can leave everything in your cart use the hand scanner to scan everything rapid fire, except items that need to be weighed. Then you can just grab a handful of bags and walk out and bag everything at your car. It’s faster than unloading the cart onto a belt and letting the cashier scan and bag

The place that needs to get its shit together on self-check is Costco. I can just scan my shit as I go, and walk out the door at Sam’s Club, but at Costco you either wait in the human meatbag lane or use their slow as fuck self-checkout machine and still have to unload and reload your cart. Costco is the lover that

Sorry to be weird, but what region are you from? I have been trying to track down which area of the country leaves out the “to be” after the word need. Like you said “needs vetted,” whereas other parts of the country would say “needs to be vetted.”

I’ll have you know that backseat was capable of accommodating two adult men stacked vertically.

I had one of these in highschool and early adulthood. As maligned as it is today, it did garner some potential paramour interest at the time.

If it can’t do parkour and get miffed when it’s interrupted like the Boston Dynamics ATLAS robot, I’m not interested.

This rocket is cursed.

Of course Denny’s was first. They’ve been a leader in weird food twitter for a long time.

I assumed this to be the case as well, but apparently we are both wrong. The highest recorded power output is in the evening, particularly winter and spring evenings and nights.

Which wich is the superior sandwich joint.

Man, this thing is going to be able to drive into pedestrians, onlookers, and street barriers so fast.

If I wore socks I’d wager to eat one if someone actually publishes a recognizable work off this thing. This is an “author” hipster’s masturbation device.

The best scenes of the episode were when the 13-year old slays the bully with Lady Marmont energy, and when the medieval plan-b is delivered.