
Ah the clip show. The necessary evil for big budget episodes in a 22-episode season.

Considering the price vs size, I’d just buy the Aviator. 

So what are the odds that the T-Mobile/Starlink announcement on August 25th is related to this new Emergency SOS service in these phones. In that announcement, T-Mobile claimed the service would be available for existing devices.

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The jury might as well have awarded the plaintiffs eleventy trillion dollars because it’s an amount just as likely to be paid out for that accident. That was a ludicrous judgement for an accident in a 12 year old truck that complied with safety standards at the time of manufacture. It’s basically the same as someone

AT&T may have been a better business daddy than David Zaslav.

The PHEV version is especially interesting as it appears it will be eligible for the $7500 tax credit.

The cap levels for the EV tax rebate are too low based on the current prices of  vehicles and where prices are likely to go in the future. Rather than have it at $55k for cars (way to low) and $80k for trucks/SUVs, they should have just set it at like $85k for all vehicle classes. Or hell, just cap it at $100k and

I have Paramount+ for Star Trek and Drag Race.

360 view cameras

Here’s an example of from this article of them being used two ways:

That’s why I also said use something other than a pronoun for an unspecified/nonspecific individual. PEBKAC indeed.

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My favorite quiznos ads were the ones where talking tunnel oven begged Put it in me Scott.”

I’m all for trans rights, but I wish there was some other pronoun to use than they/them. It’s semantically confusing to read. English is not above borrowing words from other languages, so can we please source another one for non-binary people that doesn’t express plurality or a nonspecific individual.

They would have, but toroidal sausage technology still eludes us.

Why do I feel like this is a scam to pre-patent all possible drug candidates before they can be researched fully.

Police body camera footage should be managed by an independent organization, and the police should have no say in editing it for release.

Hopefully there’s some other video of this incident that gives additional  context. The finger wagging before the character encounters the girls indicates there was something else going on off camera.

Wait the flamin hot Mountain Dew is actually like hot ginger ale? I was afraid to try it.

I don’t think more consolidation of the airline industry would be good for anybody. Besides, Delta is using their stimmies for 100 new Boeing 737s MAX planes. I don’t know who they think they’re going to get to fly them, but that’s what they’re doing.

Are you sure this was about reviews trashing products? My expectation from the article is that these are groups organized to leave fake reviews to boost products that either don’t have enough reviews, or offset bad reviews. The key is that the reviewers were offered money, or free products. Amazon’s market place is so