
I would prefer to hit a wall like that directly head-on, myself. Let the belts and HANS work in the plane of direction they were most intended, bleed energy by getting under tire blocks and flinging them up rather than bouncing the side of the car off them, and it’d be easier to replace a front clip than to straighten

200 years from now, it might look something like this:

pretty sure the woman in the white hat standing in front of the camera was not using landscape... and rightfully got a face-full of snow and ice.

Can we all applaud and celebrate that he used landscape mode?

Just sayin’.

I’m trying to get over someone *blowing a fucking whistle* to break up a pit fight.

B+ on the bad armchair lawyer grading scale. If you’d gone over the top and invoked RICO you could have gotten an A. Too bad.

If only there was a way to film those turkeys so they’d all fit in the shot at the same time instead of panning back and forth... Shame.

Kinda like woeeee, woeeeee, woeeeee, blk, blk, blk, blubbwoeee, woeee, woee,woeee, bgkla, blkg, blka, woooeeee,woeeee, woeeee, wooeeeeeee, blkal, blkal, blummmmpurrr, wooeeeeee.

I would be this guy; then I’d go to my trailer for a beer.

“But I can do this.”

There’s more to this story. Maybe they KNEW each other?

Have you ever spilled a bag Flamin Hot Cheetos on your lap?!

How you hope the night goes

LoL! I have seen that at at least 50 trade shows. It happens when the vendor’s booth shipment gets lost... I feel really bad for him.

He really wanted a driver.

I’m not gonna lie—I had to make sure the model wasn’t a cake before I went ahead and posted it. It kinda looks like a cake! One of those fancy-cakes with lots of fondant that looks cool and makes great shapes, but that you also wish was just normal icing when you go to eat it.

Not sure how this helps, but ok....

Driver’s seat?