Shake Your Boudin

How could you bring up the fact that America is trying to steal Europe’s footy culture without the history and not bring up Real Salt Lake (the official team of the king of Utah, I guess?).

This made me cringe so hard I think I’m going to need medical attention.

Glad to see Bobby Jenks is keeping busy.

“Well, it’s in Hazzard, it’s in a hurry and it ain’t a Duke. So whoever that fella is, he’s probably up to no good. “

I remember the Big Bus.

This has Pence written all over it. He’s such an awful person, people in Indiana were going to vote his ass out and now here he is, doing his evil on a national stage.

What did you expect? She only has this job to support herself and her family.

I enjoyed the article too. Not so much because of the car because let’s be real here: the car is actually sort of a rust bucket. What I did appreciate was the sentiment for keeping it for that long. Maybe because I “get it”.

Believe it or not the pizza in Buenos Aires is fucking unbelievable. A huge amount of Italian immigrants landed there for... unknown... reasons.


I don’t think so...they just have massive chunks of incredible beef and endless red wine. Man, I could really go for 3 steaks and a case of wine right now.

Irrelevant to your well-played joke, but when I first started working, I worked with a guy from Argentina. He was mentioning the restaurants he goes to and I asked him what were Argentina’s kind of standard dishes, like tacos and Mexico or poutine or backbacon and Canada, chicken tikka masala and the UK, etc.

Do they not have tacos in Argentina?

He’s just like us.

The thing is, if he makes it out of this without any truly horrendous results (unlikely) we will have to listen to years of “I was, frankly, the greatest president ever. That’s what they tell me...” Our only hope of avoiding that fate is him in a prison jumpsuit or total global destruction. Small prices to pay, sure,

God, remember back when we all thought she was just the battiest goddamned thing to ever come out of politics, and how it was amazing someone that unprepared for office was anywhere even near the presidency?

50% of this country is also dumber than the other 50% of this country.

40% of Americans think he’s doing a great job.

And this foreigner is being supported by the American taxpayer to the tune of a million a day.

And then Jesus said, “Let me see your papers. You don’t have any? Then GTFO you homeless foreign leech!”