Shake Your Boudin

Donated money to the cause, thanks for sending the link.

Not Bigly Dicks? Feels like a missed opportunity...

I might be coming at this slightly uninformed - but wouldn’t a tax on these goods just be passed along to the consumer in the form of higher prices for these goods? So, in effect, we’re still paying for the wall out of our own pockets?

Good look! Thanks for sharing with us!

That is certainly their calculation, but it’s still based on the idea that he is a controllable entity. If they still believe that, and also that the majority of Americans are going to put up with this shit indefinitely, they are deluding themselves.

I would pay some of my hard-earned money to hear that said at a presser in a British accent.

Primeminister May is currently visiting.

Is anybody else worried that eventually, this wall is going to be used to keep us here?

I appreciate the symbolic rejection of Trump’s nonsense, but is this necessarily a good thing? Because I feel like this is just gonna lead to more crazy Trump sympathizers in the bureaucracy, and at higher positions of power to boot.

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

Who needs institutional memory when you have an overgrown toddler running the country with a four second attention span?

Wow. Book-readin’. How subversive and radical.

Sam Bee last night said he must the the only 70+ year old to not watch the History Channel. Can we get a “We the people” petition going to have the history channel block all other channels in the white house?

Simpsons did it first!

And she lies.

She was also shrill!

If this mofo was really interested in being better Americans why the fuck would he vote for an openly racist, openly sexist, anti LGBTQ, orange menace? Did he not see what happened to PoC at Orange Foolius rallies? Does he think it’s some kind of coincidence that these bigoted fucks targeted Poc for violence at these

Now this is how you boycott. I hope other successful writers with S&S follow Ms. Gay.