Beatrice is my homegirl

How much do you think T. Hids regrets hopping on the T. Swift manufactured relationship machine this summer now that he didn’t win an Emmy?

I’m sorry, Stassa, but this article basically amounts to, “Smile, it can’t be that bad.”

seven of those stabbed have already been treated and released from area hospitals. One remains hospitalized, though none of the injuries were deemed life-threatening.

I’m relieved that this was an improvised thing. If this had been the plan, I would have been upset that they didn’t use a wagon or something to get him down the aisle more comfortably.

My in laws are visiting and I went out for a beer and a half. For like the first time in 3 years.

I thought that too. It should be FLAGM (feeling like a granma), or FLARMWKAAGAFISNSCSC (Feeling like a retired mom whose kids are all grown and financially independent so now she can sort of chill)

Leisurely dinners with wine and an early bedtime should be called FC: Feeling Childless. It only happens when I pay for a sitter.

FLAM- Pooping while a child pounds on the door screaming for you. Combing lice/nits from an unhappy preschooler. Realizing that now you too have lice. Eating cold macaroni off your child’s plate because you haven’t had a chance to feed yourself. Stepping on a Lego at 3 am as you investigate the odd noise coming from

You’re a BAAM*.

Yeah, my version of FLAM is wake up tired at 5:45 AM, proceed to hustle three kids through two hours of getting to school routines, caffeinate myself into consciousness, bulldoze through a day, cry inside when the evening meal I prepare is thrown away and I’m castigated for never making ANYTHING GOOD, I cajole, beg,

Hate to break it to y’all but parents generally don’t have a leisurely dinner with 2.5 glasses of wine. Typically the wine is your dinner and you hurriedly eat a sandwich over the kitchen sink while trying to get your kids to finish their homework, clean up their room and shouting for the 20th time. “NO, YOU CANNOT

Wow, this is my one chance to get ahead of the new hip lingo curve!  

“Oh no, someone somewhere is getting something I don’t need!”

Missing from the FB post: links to resources people can call to report/help addicts, decency, empathy.

I am so fucking team Iron Man after this shit.

There’s something about having a decent personality that totally cancels out his foliculal deficiencies.

This is from that linked CNN article too: “Testifying at the hearing Friday, Camp offered this defense for his comments: “a non-existent” knowledge of Canadian criminal law.

“Now, Sir, I know you were stabbed but did you ever think to angle your body away from the knife? Perhaps mashing your ribs together so the blade couldn’t jam into your heart?”


To be fair, I felt extremely charitable after I saw how happy Leonardo DiCaprio became after the Make-a-Wish team got him his Academy Award.