
If anyone was curious, I just checked the WWE Shop, and that Ellsworth t-shirt is already backordered until Nov 15th, in every single size. Haha!

It's a great symbol for both shows in general. Raw struggles to get the actual wrestler over, while Smackdown has a crowd of 20,000 people losing their mind for the random jobber.

Aside from the great entrance package, I find Naomi completely bland. She's sloppy in the ring, tends to have some really cringey botches, and doesn't really have any notable mic skills.

If they were determined to "punish" the guy they chose to sign, they wouldn't give him the belt in the first place. This is pure storytelling.

This Hawkins stuff is just the worst gimmick ever. When he came out to the completely silent reaction, I wonder if he had a moment where he realized his character was doomed.

I thought Alexa Bliss got a pretty good reaction from the crowd in her match - some good heat there, considering she was stuck wrestling a complete nothing character in Naomi.

Yeah, Ellsworth definitely has a limited shelf-life as a character, but that's all they really need out of him. He's just a tool Smackdown are using to put over the real feud between Styles and Ambrose, and it's working like a charm so far.

They are striking while the iron is hot with Ellsworth. Guaranteed those shirts are flying out of the store right this second.

I hope Ambrose talking non-stop about Styles taking "the easy way out", leads to a 30-40 minute match at a PPV in the near future, where both guys leave it all on the mat by the end, Zayn v Owens style

I suspect if you asked Styles, he'd say he's loving the Ellsworth stuff. It's making him look angry and savage, putting Ellsworth over (who by all accounts I've heard is a great, genuine dude), and getting Styles heat at the same time.

The entire arena lost it's collective mind when Ellsworth hit that superkick, and got the nearfall on Styles. That main event was great stuff. I actually thought the rest of the show was a bit "meh", but that main event made up for any shortcomings.

A few hundred assholes on Twitter? Have you even seen or been to a Trump rally? Ever seen polls of his supporters, and what they believe?

Part of me thought it would be her version of a "clinging to their guns and their religion" moment in the campaign, in that it would be a harsh statement, that was also 100% true.

The fact that Thor and Hulk weren't in Civil War, makes it pretty easy to avoid getting bogged down in too much canon. As does the fact that I suspect pretty much the entire film is going to take place away from Earth.

I don't know if sympathy is quite the right word to describe my feelings towards him. He initially felt the highs of being internet-famous for something, and now is feeling the lows, as people comb through everything he's ever said about anything online, to try and send him crashing back to Earth. I have empathy for

He never deserved fame for asking a half-shitty question as an absurd "undecided voter" in the first place. Being an undecided voter in this particular election, should be grounds for a federally-mandated psychiatric appointment.

Thrawn is so goddamn cool. I'm loving the voice actor they got for him.

Naomi is all entrance, and not much else right now. In terms of technical ability, she's a total botchfest every time.

It's actually pretty ridiculous how stacked the Raw women's roster is, compared to Smackdown. Smackdown has Becky, and newbie Alexa Bliss (who will be great, but still unproven at the time of the draft)… then a bunch of also-rans like Carmella, Naomi, and Natalya. Raw gets 3/4 of the Four Horsewomen. It's kinda

No way - Styles' character fully intended on embarrassing Ellsworth and otherwise wussing out on real competition, so Bryan came out and turned his plan on it's head, making it blow up in his face.