
How was she not run out of television after those two women killed themselves due to her badgering?

Personally, I'm kinda tired of Arrow. Went from religious watcher of Flarrow, to not having bothered to watch either show yet this season.

I thought the segment was pretty hilarious, and pure Bugs Bunny shenanigans from Ambrose. People like Ellsworth, so it was also nice for getting Styles some more heat.

No discussion in here, of that Ziggler-Miz match from No Mercy yet?! That was a MOTY competitor, to be sure.

Yeah, much like Polanski apologists who insist he's suffered enough - you don't get to choose your penance. Especially when your penance takes the form of a non-specific public apology while hocking a movie that made you a lot of money. YOU don't get to decide when you've "paid the price" for your actions - these

I really liked "Still DRE" back in the day, but even back then his lyrics in that song came off as vaguely pathetic - like he was desperately trying to insist that he still had street cred, after entering the corporate world.

Yeah, prestige-wise, Underworld is about on par with the Resident Evil movies - another series that inexplicably keeps getting sequels. I'm more surprised that Marvel would take their call in the first place.

Which is great, because it's my favourite line in that entire movie. It both makes no sense, and makes complete sense, at the same time.

Can't rest until the results are in, because you can never underestimate the ignorance of a massive swath of the public. That ignorance is the only reason Trump was ever polling in the 40s to begin with (instead of, say, the low teens)

She meets Jones because she goes to the hospital she works at, with Luke. Which makes sense, since Daredevil and Jessica Jones are geographically in the same area. This is obviously also how she first meets Luke too.

Personally, I think the Cap movies are the best part of the MCU right now, with perhaps what Gunn is doing with Guardians of the Galaxy being 2nd. After that though, I'd probably agree - the Netflix stuff has been excellent, and really obliterated any sense that television was the exclusive kingdom of DC.

How do you make a teaser to get people interested in your gritty Power Rangers reboot, and not include shots of either the suits, or even Megazord? You just include a bunch of uncompelling teenage drama that seems like it was pulled from a discarded CW pilot?

I hope they combine Danny and Luke into one show for their season 2, called "Heroes for Hire", that takes place after they become friends in the Defenders.

I'm glad this line didn't only stick out for me, haha. Was gonna make the same comment, basically. Ah, the ol' "wait until you've actually seen the thing you're criticizing" gambit! How clever!

You can make a good "video game movie" - just take the universes they live in, and tell a unique story.

Didn't Ayer personally insist that there was no extended cut of the film? Was he just full of shit, or was this the studio over-ruling his control of the film yet again?

Yeah, I quite liked The Wolverine, until that final action sequence. It was just CG schlock.

Most certainly, but it's one of the things you just gotta accept. Though frankly, I read lots of comic books where I wondered aloud what the dozens of other super heroes were doing while this massive threat was rising, and they didn't even have rights issues to fall back on, haha.

Everyone fears the sneaky punch.

But at least Trump's hair looks genuinely bizarre - a pantsuit is the beige wallpaper of clothing. If Hillary wore short skirts or something, I'd at least understand why the media was freaking out (even if I thought it was stupid as well). But Hillary's pantsuits?