

That'll come down to the choreography of the action. DD and Iron Fist can both do flippy shit, and Luke Cage could make for some interesting action scenes.

I've deleted the revealing bit of the sentence, but for future reference, how do you add those tags? Never tried to do it before.

Well you simply restated your original point again, with a dollop of condescension this time, so I concede. I am vanquished.

It isn't a "sophisticated" point - it's a point he asserts without giving any evidence, as though interracial couples in TV and movies are crazy in a PG-13 movie, in 2016. Showing the Kirk/Uhura kiss over and over again doesn't constitute a compelling argument.

Yeah, but you just know she's got a room of 5-10 20-somethings, who she pays to figure out how to speak "to the kids today".

But how else do we fight classism, homophobia, and injustice?

That quote was cringey.

I'm surprised Mike even bothered bringing up the bit about "diversity", because I thought the Force Awakens was a good example of doing it pretty effortlessly, and without making a big deal about it. Especially when he and Jay pilloried Sony for cynically latching on to the "girl power" angle with Ghostbusters, in

The character is a creepy serial killer who feeds his victim's pizza rolls and makes them watch Star Wars. Mike and Jay started out almost exclusively making low-budget horror-comedy films, so it's right in their wheelhouse as a character.

Much like political correctness, hipsters are a thing - both terms have just become so broadly encompassing, that they've become worthless.

I loved the bits about how they purposely made the suit uncomfortable, to try and justify Vader's awkward gait in the original films post-hoc.

Their disdain for the idiotic extended universe stuff is always hilarious.

I don't feel for him. He didn't have to sell that shit. He chose to, and made a shitload of money for it, then had the gall to call Disney "white slavers" afterward.

My bad man - put a tag on it.

Favourite part of the show, was all of the awesome random soul artists it introduced me to.


Luke was on Sway's radio show, and said they called the fight style "slap fu", because he basically just pimp slaps dudes while looking marginally nonplussed.

Isn't Hammer currently in prison? Did the quality of Hammer tech go up without him in the picture?

There was a good crowd laugh when Rowan got locked in that room.