
It was the hardest I've seen Ambrose work in a while. Getting "This is Awesome" chants for the actual wrestling in a Raw/Smackdown main event - how often does that happen these days?

Part of me kind of likes when they come out in the first segment and set the stage for the night's matches, as long as it's about putting over the talent, and not themselves. Even Daniel Bryan's stuff with Miz has been largely to put Miz over as a heel, because everyone loves Bryan.

They wouldn't push a multi-PPV championship angle about Ziggler's career, if the plan really was to just let him go. They wouldn't be spotlighting him at all - he'd be jobbing to get other guys over, or working house shows, until his contract expired.

Diamondback is pure blaxploitation villain, but I wish they'd almost played it up a little more, if they were gonna go that route. Having this crazy-ass, Bible-quote obsessed preacher's son with a flaming sword of righteousness is a great idea, but it becomes kind of weird in this "realistic" setting.


Among all the other nonsense, I think my favourite part is accusing some moderately-successful IFC show of "gentrification", which is a borderline non-sequitur.

It's an interesting point of view, but I disagree with him. Even CM Punk's much-revered "pipe bomb" promo got almost entirely heat from the audience, despite having plenty of truth in it.

When Ziggler came out and once again asked for a rematch, I started to groan - but as soon as he said he'd put his career on the line, it changed everything.

I kinda wish Ziggler's promo was a bit more of a worked shoot about how SPECIFICALLY his career had taken a downward turn the past couple of years, as I think that's how you get the smarks invested in what is going on - sort of like the crowd reaction to Cena's bit about Ambrose being called out by Stone Cold got a

And are they face? Heel? Who the fuck knows! The crowd sure doesn't!

I hated the Seamus/Cesaro thing. Why did we just watch a best-of-7 competition? And Mick makes the entire decision sound like he's a moron - "YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIKE IT!"

Marcotte's coverage of Clinton in this election cycle has just been pathetic - especially the stuff she was writing prior to Sanders dropping out.

You kind of dilute the meaning of "sociopath", when you apply it to someone like Jeremy Clarkson.

The "Clinton Rules" have been a longstanding media ethos - where everything they do is subject to an entirely different set of rules by the media, because "optics", or whatthefuckever.

The CG post-rocket when Robbie's car lands looks a bit suspect, but damn if his transition to Ghost Rider near the end of the episode didn't look goddamn awesome.

I can't believe that they are still pushing Reigns as a face. He's so disliked at this point, that nothing they do will convince fans to get behind him, even if it was objectively good booking. People want to boo him.

Yes, we objectively measure with anecdotes.

His plan technically didn't require them to be there - as the TheOneWhoKnocks noted before me. Having them both there just made for the most dramatic series of events.

I can't stand Trump, but I think putting him in some convenient, special category of treatment due to being a "hate monger" (how does one objectively measure the mongering of hate?), is pretty specious reasoning. He's the candidate of one of the two major parties, and speaks for over 40% of the (voting) electorate

Yes, I am aware of why they soft pedal these people.