
I don't think late night show hosts should be going at them like it's a piece in The Atlantic or something, but I think they should have substantive questions pertinent to their actual job, or they should ditch having politicians on altogether.

The 40-odd percent of the nation that are behind Trump, are the ones normalizing it.

Politicians shouldn't be invited to hit softballs on these shows in the first place - and if they are going to appear, they should be questioned with journalistic rigor. That doesn't preclude questions that let the candidate open up about themselves personally, either.

I loved the segment they did, where Clarkson and May tried out a bunch of old Soviet-made cars.

I've always loved the travel eps where they buy shitty cars, because I love the chronicles of how bandaged and bodged together they are by the end. The South America one was great for that.

I've always just put down Clarkson as one of those old fucks who occasionally says off-colour things, because he's an old fuck, and this increasingly isn't "his" world any more. Sort of like if your grandma dropped something racist into a conversation.

Is there any particular reason you're being snarky? I wasn't even arguing anything you said - I was adding to it.

That women are less likely to ask for raises or negotiate a higher starting salary DOES account for some of the smaller wage gap for men and women in the exact same position, working the same hours. This has been borne out by analysis.

Yes, and the worst part is that employers get to paint this as a wonderful act of "protecting the privacy" of their workers, or some such garbage.

When a woman and a man are in the exact same job position, working the exact same hours, the pay gap is around 94 cents on the dollar (on average).

Statistics show that women actually do work almost a full hour less per day, on average, than men. That isn't due to being "too busy having babies", or an unwillingness to work as hard, but due to unequal division of household responsibilities and child care, and the (related) higher tendency of women to work part

Wow, that's a pretty terrible looking Batman cowl. The rest looks decent enough, I guess.

The real answer is obviously "because it's cool (according to Zack Snyder)", but you could make a half-decent argument that broken up armor plating around his mid-section would increase his mobility in combat, which is important for a guy who fights like a ninja. Of course, body armor plates that tiny and spread out

I think the Constitution is a flawed document, but there's also no question that Presidents should be following it - to the letter, and to the spirit, as much as that's possible.

No argument there - voting membership in the "Academy" should be open to anyone who can demonstrate they are actively involved in film making. You want the Academy to represent the current state of film making? There's your solution.

Is 638 new invitations to try and expand the diversity of the Academy a token gesture?

I'd prefer doing the right thing for altruistic reasons, but I'll also accept doing the right thing due to public pressure.

I feel bad for the zoo employees who actually cared for and loved that gorilla, day in and day out, and nothing but loathing for the soulless fucks in pop culture, and especially on the internet, who can't stop twisting the knife about those terrible events, because they think it's all ironically hilarious.

I didn't care the first time around, but now that she's given a genuine apology for it, it's even more of a nothingburger.

I really do want to see the trailer for this movie - the things I've heard have me excited. And of course, Yondu now has the full fin on his head, and we get tiny Groot kicking ass.