
Yeah, they basically had that first trailer ready for Comic-Con after one week of shooting - it was kind of crazy. Never heard how finished the CG was for it - have to imagine it was pretty rough.

You know what? 95% of the time, I think GJI is kind of a shitty feature. But this one? This one is alright.

I wouldn't call it a disaster, but major tent pole summer movies like BvS are expected to do more for the studio than simply grind out a small profit at the end - they are expected to help finance the studio's other money-losers, and build a franchise that makes MORE money the next time around.

I think it was nice that they embraced the idea that being a kid's aunt doesn't automatically have to make you a silver haired old lady. And of course, RDJ sells it in a couple of lines.

I'm fine with national pride, when the people actually take pride in maintaining the principles the nation was founded on. If you help found or maintain a nation built on justice and freedom, that's something it's fair to take pride in.

The anthem shouldn't be played at sporting events in the first place.

Good. This verdict was always fucking stupid.

Thought the orcs looked decent, but weirdly I thought the humans looked kind of ridiculous. Maybe it was the exaggerated armor.

Yeah, your hammer worthiness seems like something that should exist in a binary state - you either are, or you aren't. And what about Thor fundamentally makes him more worthy than a courageous boy scout like Steve Rogers in the first place, aside from the fact that it's his hammer?

I try not to hold canon against comic book characters too much, because many of them have been around for so goddamn long, through so many cultural eras, and in the hands of so many writers.

I'm still praying for a single "Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth" in Doctor Strange.

I think it'd be interesting to see a comic/movie where a villain is able to pick up Mjolnir (presumably because the hammer sees something in his "soul" that he does not), and the psychology of how the villain reacts to it.

You can briefly see the tiara in his origin during the first trailer!

Batman v Deathstroke in a Batman solo film would actually be pretty awesome. Then again, I'm a little confused as to how they would have set footage of Deathstroke…? Affleck's solo film hasn't even been written, let alone been cast or shooting principal photography.

Because it's adapting Planet Hulk, features Cate Blanchett as a god of death, is being directed by a Flight of the Conchords alum, and has been described as a buddy road trip movie?

How does one "prove" fun?

It's all fun and games until that movie scores higher than Suicide Squad, and then hardcore DC fans burn down Rotten Tomatoes' offices.

It's a stupid phrase because it causes exactly this kind of confusion, and there's no real agreement over when the label even applies in the first place. I've seen many idiots who will label all feminists as "SJW"s, or the BLM folks as "SJW"s.

Basically, yes. I dislike the term "SJW", because there''s obviously nothing objectionable about real social justice, but I will accept it's use when applied to the kinds of people who treat it as an opportunity to signal their own virtue above any actual action. Twitter and Tumblr are famous for it.

I'm super-excited for Ragnarok because of the director, composer, and the stories they are adapting. Hela looks like she's going to be awesome too.