
Her bit about "if white people are forgiven for having a box office failure once in a while…" I think kind of misunderstands the reason the bias in favour of white stars exists. OVERALL, white movie stars are seen as lower risk. Perhaps that perception is erroneous, and it's certainly unfortunate if it isn't, but

I mean, if he wants to be a fanatical purist about how his comic book characters are represented on film, then that's his prerogative, I guess. I think most people, including a mega-majority of white people, couldn't give a fuck less.

I'll gladly second it. It was the perfect palette cleanser after BvS, which they couldn't have scripted any better for themselves.

He didn't say it was obscure, he said it was old - which it is.

I thought it worked great, because the reference is exactly what they actually do to Ant-Man. It wasn't just a tossed off mention.

We are getting a big budget summer movie where one of the characters is a living planet named Ego. This is indeed a golden age.

Finally, a Superman that I might actually be able to take in a fight.

So is this corporate-mandated cross-promotion with Fusion, or AV Club trying to squeeze every last drop of water out of Ghostbusters Controversy-gate 2016?

I absolutely agree that they have grievances, and that Hillary isn't exactly an inspiring choice for nominee. That said, Sanders seems to understand something a lot of his supporters don't: HE LOST. FAIR AND SQUARE. Even if you gave him all of the delegates that were allegedly "shadily" acquired by Clinton, she

"Eight seasons" makes it sound worse than it is. They are putting in the titular character's more well-known villains first, because they have name recognition - Grodd, Reverse Flash, Zoom, Ra's al Ghul, Merlyn, Deathstroke, Vandal Savage - all are pretty big villains, and many are primary nemeses for one of the

Yeah, and the Romulans tried to get through it by disrupting a portion of the sensor net they had set up.

It'd be difficult, but not impossible, since the ships have long-range sensors, to create a blockade that is more of a "web", than a line.

My favourite opening scene on the show, is still probably him and Riker reviewing the submissions for "Captain Picard Day", with him looking thoroughly nonplussed about the entire thing, and Riker being incredibly amused by it.

His conversation with Worf at the very end, still rings true today. God, what a good TV show.

Yep, Picard is by-far my favourite. A Shakespeare loving, tea drinking intellectual, who also happened to be a little shit when he was a cadet. His decision not to infect the Borg Collective, is the shining example of why he's great. Anyone else in Starfleet wouldn't have made the decision he made - but he takes

It's a shame, because I think Mark Strong really looked the part for Sinestro, and was a good casting - but that movie was utter dogshit.

The only part of the trailers for Doctor Strange that really reminded me of Inception, was the first teaser where the city was literally folding. In this trailer, everything is just going mental, so the comparison starts to fade away - some skyscrapers are getting sucked into a hole, and fragments of the city are

Any commentary that has DiMaggio and Billy West on it, is hilarious from top to bottom. All of the people involved with that show clearly loved it so much, along with their characters.

Is it just me, or does the CG in this teaser look extremely barebones, unfinished, and even sort of low-poly? It kinda reminds me of a high-end looking pre-viz with some texturing.

The Lego Movie was in my top 3 favourite movies that year. It's absolutely hilarious, from pretty much beginning to end, and even has a rather touching ending (though child acting almost always = kinda shit, and this is no exception).