
I went down to the basement the other day, and totally came across my old Ghostbusters firehouse, that my parents bought me for being "brave" during my hernia surgery as a kid.

I think Ejiofor would have been a fine choice, but Boseman was absolutely fantastic too. No complaints about either choice.

Seriously? I thought his accent was incredible. So terse and authoritative sounding. Boseman said he came up with the accept using actual African dialects from the area Wakanda is supposed to be in.

EXACTLY. If the US had hate speech laws and President Trump in charge, along with a majority Republican Supreme Court, what is to stop them from making a group like BLM guilty of "hate speech"?

Completely agree, and glad someone made this point. The people harassing Jones are scumbags, but "hate speech" is not a legal concept in the United States, and with good reason. I'm Canadian, and it embarrasses me that we have such laws, even if they are coming from a place of good intentions.

A rape threat isn't "hate speech" - it's a crime. The same as threatening to kill someone is a crime.

What is considered "hate speech" is also relative to the eye of the beholder, and could be wielded as a cudgel by legislators in the future.

Am I the only one who stopped watching Suicide Squad videos after the "Blitz" trailer? They are putting out way too many trailers for this movie.

Cyborg looks terrible, and the brief glimpses of Flash's outfit don't look great either. Aside from that, this seems alright I guess?

FYI - Marvel Live (show on Marvel's official YouTube channel) confirmed that it's the Robbie Reyes version of the character. Apparently the car is on display at Comic-Con, too.

Dude, the GOP always get the one latino guy, or the one black guy, or the one gay guy, to give a speech at their convention.

I don't mind that this kind of schlock exists - it's a big country, filled with lots of idiots and crazy people. What bothers me, is that movies like this pull in enough cash to be worth putting in some theatres, and clearly make a profit.

Yeah, but posting pictures of myself in front of a vandalized Bourne poster is way easier to post on Instagram, that me sweating in a small meeting room, discussing activism strategies for passing gun control legislation, and making phone calls to congresspeople. It'll get way more "Likes" too.

Regarding "normalizing guns" in the United States, I'd say that horse has already escaped the barn, swam across the Atlantic, and made it half way to China by now. It's a little quaint to "take action" now, by tearing the guns off the poster of a movie in 2016.

Are the only two statistical columns "accidental shootings", and "mass shootings"?

I love the fuck out of action movies that glorify weapons and violence, as long as they are also good movies.

I almost want to see Sandler's modern movies, if only to see how he can get away with less and less actual work. His output has just become a work program for unemployed SNL alumnus, and retired athletes.

I fully expected the entire Women's Division to go to one show or the other, as I didn't think it was deep enough to benefit from being split in half.

While it's clear that the speech was plagiarized, it's less clear that she was the one responsible (regardless of what she said about writing it herself - give me a break).

Sure was, and I fully expect that is where he returns to, if the sexual harassment allegations stick. That'd make him radioactive to another TV network, but as a political guy, quietly working behind the scenes? Someone would pay him a mint, for his expertise in how to rouse the rabble.