
McCain is an old school politician, which means he will always be loyal to her. Even when she endorsed the guy who said McCain wasn't a war hero, he refused to criticize her.

I think it was when he said he was suspending his campaign in response to the financial crash, and Obama torched his ass by simply saying he was capable of doing more than one thing at a time.

In his case the first J stands for Just The Worst Jonah Jameson.

I'll be interested to see how much actual screen time all of the supporting Avengers get in Civil War, because presumably none of it can be very dawn out, time-wise.

Is it going to be based on the Italian horror film with the same name?

I made this same comment under the last AV Club article about this, but I still don't understand what their argument is about why letting her work with another producer "wouldn't go far enough"?

That adorable old apartment superintendent getting executed on the bus made me irrationally angry in the moment.

They are doing a great job of making Castle a true anti-hero, and not just a hero who is kind of an asshole, like most "anti-heroes" these days.

I can't believe they kept D'Onofrio coming back a secret. And it's not like this was a small part either.

Is… is Karen becoming the new Ben Urich?

This… looks nothing like WoW *or* Warcraft. I don't understand this article.

That scene in the Daredevil movie, reminds me of the basketball scene in Catwoman. Both make me wonder just what in the hell the directors thought they were making.

I'm Canadian, and the spelling here is most definitely "centre".

Is this the ep that had Foggy talking down those two gang members in the hospital? Because that entire scene was AWESOME.

I'd rather they kill her while having a (mostly) functional relationship, rather than the other cliche of their relationship going nuclear because Matt won't tell her the truth of who he is "to protect her", and she gets tired of the lies.

There was one cut that was extremely obvious, where he was going down some stairs. They clearly tried to sync DD's movement up, but it didn't quite work.

I don't really understand the "necessity" argument, in how a fight is shot. He had an angry biker gang coming for him, and he had to fight his way out. How was the scene in season 1 more "organic"? He had to get into a place, and he had to fight through guys to get to the kid.

I mean, if you really think about it, this is kind of the issue with having any kind of "recurring thug". Especially one that is violent.

Observation: The way he talks is part of what makes HK-47 a classic, meatbag.

If the Tranformers "Romeo and Juliet Law" guy gets the role, I'm done.