
Yeah, I kept reading, waiting for the actual criticism to start…

Hard to say, because the trailers will obviously get all of the visually popping scenes. I assume the season will pick up with regular legal adventures, then go off the rails at some point.

Yeah, not gonna happen, unless they were skydiving and that was just a 9,000 floor building behind them in the shot.

Still confused as to how the Punisher and Hand storylines fit together, considering the season is probably only 13 episodes again, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

Marvel's movies are "realistic", in that they don't act like they are in a comic book. But they've never gone for the "grimdark" aesthetic that DC seems to be obsessed with since Nolan.

The thing Snyder doesn't get, is that you can wrap the Superman's corny sense of morality up with a character who lives in a "darker" world. And you can use his values to contrast the world he lives in. Look at how Marvel Studios handle Captain America, for a basic crash course on that.

Holy shit, did I actually see Spiderman's eyes animate? If so, that's kind of awesome.

I can't figure out if you're underestimating the stature of Ghostbusters, or overestimating the stature of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

This show man. Always killing off African American (singular).

So happy to have someone other than Sava reviewing this show from now on. We can finally hear about something other than how visually interesting he thinks everything is, and more soporific, thin arguments fixated around identity politics.

Conan has bits that fall flat, but that's because he still takes the most chances with absurdist humour. I find his monologues kind of boring, because it's where he's most tethered to the traditional "lowbrow yuks about daily events" format that lame people liked about Jay Leno.

This annoyed the shit out of me, too. McClane is so desperate for Zeus' help that he actually tricks the guy. The only reason they even meet is because Zeus saves his ass when he wears the racist sandwich board. And then they organically grow to be pretty good friends over the course of the movie (I think my…

Observation: If Bioware announced a KOTOR 3 (or Obsidian, for that matter), I would jump for joy.

KOTOR 2 was half of a good game, with 2/3s of a good story.

Marvel have Netflix for their R-rated stuff. And none of their current or on-deck movies/characters really require the R-rating treatment anyway.

This trailer made me feel nothing. I briefly felt relief that aesthetically they went for the cheap, bodged-together looking world of the original - instead of having a shiny car and proton packs that looked like iPods.

That's cool, though it probably just means they offered a quantum physicist $50 and a tour of the set to come write some shit on the board.

Wanted to buy a hat, but they only ship within the US. Boo.

Exactly! Hardy completely disappeared into that role. It was incredible. Leo is always just Leo - in this case with a fairly bad accent, and scruffy looking.

I don't even think DiCaprio was the best actor in that movie, let alone every movie this year. Tom Hardy's performance was better. But much like Boyhood taking 12 years to make (did you hear?!), all anyone could talk about was the hardship Leo went through in filming.