
I really thought they'd just have her foot move a little, which would have been awesome and fine. But having her literally stand up and walk out like nothing ever happened was completely ridiculous.

I actually said "oh for fucks sake" out loud when she first walked into the Arrowcave and gave some variation of the "I've got to get me one of these" cliche.

Felicity walking out was narratively justified? How so? She gave a canned speech about "leaning on one another" and so on, completely sidestepping the ultimatum that SHE HERSELF acknowledged was an impossible situation. In show-logic (the kind of logic where such a dumb ultimatum could exist in the first place),

My favourites are the ones where he uses physics, and the limits of his abilities, in creative ways. Unfortunately the show is very inconsistent in depicting how fast Barry actually is (like apparently time travelling at mach-2 (?!) - real life particle accelerators fling particles way faster than that!). King Shark

Considering they had nothing but time while sitting in Zoom's cells, it's kind of baffling as to why man in the mask wouldn't just spell out his entire life story in that 5x5 code. Instead he just knocks out "Jay", then gets frustrated and gives up.

- CG on King Shark looked a lot better than some of the more recent stuff (like the Earth 2 skyline with Zoom last week). CG on Barry when he was on the water was a bit more dodgy. But whatever, it's television.

No problem with being a purist, but taking some of the pressure off of the mission timers was going to be critical to me enjoying this game. I can't stand timed missions in any genre of game, unless the timer is generous enough to be a non-factor.

Flashbangs and plasma grenades are your friend. Especially if you roll with two grenadiers like I do. I know some people who swear by mimic grenades too.

Coolest bump I've ever seen, aside from maybe the legendary Mankind/Taker HIAC match in '96 (I think?).

I don't even watch wrestling, but I've absorbed enough info through other sources to hear about Reigns just not getting over with fans due to being pushed too far, too fast.

As soon as you're over the 2:00 to 2:15 mark, I kind of stop caring how long it is. Just tell a good story, and I'll sit in the theatre for three and a half hours.

The Sweater is a classic.

You wanna stop Savage? Detain or kill him (and sweep up the remains), take him back to the ship, and drop him off at the heat death of the universe, to float around in space and be killed/reborn over and over for the rest of time. No Egyptian curse nonsense required.

I thought this episode was actually pretty good, aside from another dive into pointless secret keeping (why exactly can't Oliver just tell Felicity, but explain the situation, and ask her to keep it to herself?). The episode gave a lot of mixed messaging about whether it was even the right thing to do.

The fights are largely made "visceral" looking through clever editing - quick cuts, and low light. When the camera lingers a little too long, the fight choreography tends to look a little over-scripted. They do a good job though - the fight with Conklin was particularly good.

I'd be fine with a King Shark palette cleanser episode, if it felt like the main arc was moving briskly. It doesn't.

Just finished the episode, and I think a B was an incredibly generous grade for this one.

That scene with Cisco and Wells talking at the beginning of the episode, is some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard, and it was delivered just about the worst I've ever seen from both actors.

Am the only one who doesn't really like when expansion DLC takes you to some smaller landmass, detached from the main game world?

I'm so glad they are finally going to flesh out this interesting character in a movie of their own. I look forward to blacking out from a lead character that is both entirely CGI, and speaks entirely through radio clips.