
My big hope from Deadpool, is that execs won't be afraid to greenlight comic book movies with R ratings, and that they will back the fuck off and let them be what they SHOULD be - like Deadpool *was*.

Saw Deadpool, after the first two showtimes I tried to buy tickets for were sold out. The theatre was crammed to the gills with people who were there for the movie.

Kind of shocked that they kept her real name as "Elektra", and didn't consider that to be way too silly for this show.

Telling what is, at it's core, a standard action movie (and superhero movie) plot, isn't really a strike against it, if it's done well. It's a simple revenge story, which leaves them lots of time to do what makes the movie unmistakably Deadpool.

The internet makes it way easier for the wide world of creeps and idiots to hurl their thoughts at you.

I've been as pessimistic about this movie as anyone, but damn if I didn't smile at that shot of Batman blocking Superman at the end, and Supes being dumbfounded by it.

I considered a more straightforward reply, but then I looked at your post history and saw "Breitbart" everywhere, and realized it wouldn't be worth it.

I love that Conan got Marshawn Lynch to come back. He and Lynch were hilarious on their previous CG episode together.

The show is basically just a name at this point, and it was such a personality-driven show by the end, that it's virtually impossible to just have someone else pick up the ball with any sense of continuity.

All three of them said some "off-colour" things over the years. Or did everyone forget about the shit Hammond said about Mexicans?

I've always been able to separate Clarkson's stupid political views from his appearances on Top Gear, because the guy was a pretty hilarious presence on that show. That said, he totally deserved to get fired for punching a co-worker. I was embarrassed at the number of fans who waved it away, simply because they

I hope the Ratchet and Clank movie is good. That series has a lot of fun characters, and a style that would lend itself extremely well to a movie.

Barry opened a black hole for selfish reasons last season, potentially killing thousands of people, and destroying half the city.

I laughed pretty hard when Harry pulled the Flash symbol off the suit and it made some generic "tech being disconnected" noise, despite clearly just being made of rubber or magnets (or whatever), and stuck on.

Anyone have any suspicions for how Sansa will kill Ramsay? Because I will be shocked if she doesn't get to kill him herself.

Did the show ever even explicitly state where Rickon and Osha were going? It's odd that they never even checked back in.

Well, she sure got a crash course of what it means to be the "woman behind the man" in Westeros - my hope is they will use that experience to inform whatever she does next. I think everyone kind of assumes she's fated to become "Queen of the North" by the end of the series. Especially when the show laid those seeds

The show explained exactly what happened to Stannis. Most of his forces abandoned him after he sacrificed his daughter, those remaining were cold and starving, and Ramsay took advantage of the situation by surprising Stannis and attacking outside of the walls, instead of using his superior defensive position.

Watched this episode again, and you're totally wrong.

It'd be cool if they tried to bring back as many of the old JLU voice actors as humanly possible for the main characters - it's not like most of them are *that* busy, right?