
I don't think the audience was selected - my understanding is that it was just a Deadpool pre-release "event" in the area that people were free to attend, and then they surprised them with a screening of the entire movie.

The advertising blitz for Deadpool has been pretty incredible for the most part. I hope the film itself lives up to it.

"Despite its roster of famous voices, the Kung Fu Panda series has always been the most palatable of DreamWorks’ six—count ’em, six—ongoing franchises"

I remember Wells leaving him the lab, but I don't remember anything about leaving him a fortune.

She's a secret agent. What other explanation do you need? Coulson is also a secret agent.

If Fox wanted to give Marvel back Storm from the X-Men, I'm sure they'd love to put her in Black Panther…

Sure, I'll agree with that. I also think they wasted people like Lucy Lawless, in the case of SHIELD. She'd have been a perfect recurring character, but instead they just used this well-known actress with action chops as one-off cannon fodder to show the effects of the terrigen obelisk thing.

Oh, absolutely. I was floored that they killed Urich (who is a big character in the comics), and wasted such a good actor. I even wrote in the comments for that show's reviews, that it almost felt like they were assuming they wouldn't get a season 2, with how many characters they unceremoniously wiped out - Owlsley,

That's fine, and I appreciate the gracious response.

I mentioned this in the comments a few Flash eps ago. How does STAR Labs stay open? It's a big, ruined particle accelerator with no active research of any kind going on. Who keeps the lights on? How do any of them make a living? How has the city government not condemned this gigantic, burned out blight on the

I probably identify about 95% with Oliver Sava politically, and on issues of diversity. That doesn't somehow change the fact that I find his ramblings on these matters in his reviews to be sophomoric, and in many cases, plainly incorrect.

People make note of it because it's a running theme with all of Sava's television reviews these days.

Remember when Arrow-Waller thought it was a smart idea to drone strike a major American city into dust, instead of firing a few RPG rounds at a bunch of roided out thugs who were all confined to a single tunnel?

I'm not at all clear on what Oliver's financial situation is. He doesn't even technically have a day job any more. An unemployed man is running for mayor.

Next step is getting rid of the non-stop "whisper-talking".

Hopefully the end of the Patty/Barry drama, Iris not being a terrible character any more, and Wally not being an asshole, will restore the humour.

I'm tired of Oliver doing the "everything is my fault" pity party every couple of episodes. Dour Oliver is the worst Oliver, and they lean on this justification for Dour Oliver too often.

"Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., Daredevil, and Jessica Jones have all used the deaths of black male characters to up the stakes for the other characters, and while some of these supposed deaths have been cliffhanger fake-outs, it’s still an unfortunate pattern."

They talk directly about it in LoT Ep1.

CCH Pounder was just about the perfect Waller in that JLU Cadmus season-long story arc. The voice, the look, the dialogue - everything. God that show was awesome.