
What does their being in a universe have to do with anything? There was nothing to stop DC from making a Wonder Woman film the last decade. I don't understand why they get a weird pass for doing it "earlier" only by the metric of their recently created DC cinematic universe.

This is kind of a nothingburger of a story. Disney will keep making Marvel films, as long as Marvel films are popular and profitable. When they aren't any more, it's not like they are going to keep churning out a bunch of box office losers "because 1000's of characters!" And did you expect Bob Iger to say they were

I love this his idea of science is taking a picture where the horizon meets atmospheric haze, and then drawing a red line across it.

Because he's a hero who saves people, including her several times, and she explicitly stated that she understood why he didn't want to tell her? The entire conflict of their relationship, was caused by her thinking Barry had ditched her. Once she realized he hadn't ditched her at all, that conflict goes out the

…and then she left anyway, after getting her confirmation of his identity.


He stopped blurring his face, so she could see him, and talked in his normal voice. He was just confirming what she already knew. Couldn't take off the cowl, since there were other people around.

When she first told him she was moving away, he was shocked and tried to talk to her as she walked away from him. This week he was doing the dickhead routine, sure - but he says it's because he doesn't want to stand in her way, and knows he can't tell her the truth about him.

- Someone give me a coherent explanation for how Patty knowing Barry's secret, but him not confirming it… but then confirming it at the end of the episode for her anyway… keeps Patty "safe"?

Even if it's true that Noah is still "finding his voice", then that's all the more reason they should have replaced Stewart with someone who had the experience and temperament to carry on the show's fundamental overall mission.

God, remember how awful that final season of regular Heroes was? And that series finale? I remember watching that shit live, and just being amazed by how stupid it was.

Thor and Hulk kicking ass across the universe, while also getting in fights with each other, sounds like it could be awesome.

There's absolutely no doubt that games with female characters have camera angles that emphasize the ass. Where I'd probably disagree, is that there's any widespread, conscious effort to de-emphasize or hide the ass of male characters. Batman had a cape long before 3rd person games existed. He also looks more

Sure, absolutely. What makes someone a cultural "icon", is just a process of general agreement among people who live in that culture.

And here I thought Waluigi was just a slapped together anti-Luigi, after the success of anti-Mario (Wario), because their names are literally portmanteaus of the Japanese word for "bad" (warui), plus "Mario" and "Luigi"

That t-shirt is awesome!

It wasn't a "dismissive" salute - it was a "to each their own" salute.

Ahh, I understand what you're responding to now. You are right - I wrote that sentence carelessly. Thank you for the clarification.

I dunno - that nonsense drama with Oliver and Laurel regarding Anarky was pretty borderline. Hothead, "what I say goes" Oliver has always been supremely annoying.

You seem to be missing my specific issue (insofar as it even is an "issue", because as I said, whatever works for you), which is the idea that Princess Peach is any sort of queer "icon". As I also said - if pressing such a character into additional service they weren't designed for helped you work through your