Thank God this reporter never watched FARGO, or he'd strangle Odenkirk with that microphone cord on the spot. "WHY DON'T YOU LET MOLLY SOLVE THE CASE, YA DUMB SEXIST FUCK?!? LESTER CLEARLY KILLED HIS WIFE!"
Thank God this reporter never watched FARGO, or he'd strangle Odenkirk with that microphone cord on the spot. "WHY DON'T YOU LET MOLLY SOLVE THE CASE, YA DUMB SEXIST FUCK?!? LESTER CLEARLY KILLED HIS WIFE!"
I just bought a Game Genie just so I could finish that game, considering I played it all the time at the arcade in my local roller rink (yep, we still have one of those) and it was impossible to win it using the Genesis controller instead of the gun on the arcade. And let me tell you, that was so not worth it.
But a chance for a REVOLUTION X sequel is still there, right?
Billy Bob Thornton is the best, and yes, I would say that about Tom Petty.
And after Lester made his transition from "Aww, poor guy" to "FUCK THIS GUY, FUCK THIS GUY", I need someone to be sympathetic for, especially if they do kill off Molly.
I hated Lester from the moment that he got Molly thrown off the case by Chief Doltenidiot or whatever the hell Bob Odenkirk's name is on the show. Good to know my base instincts were right.
I didn't wanna spoil it, but dammit, I had to check. Thank you for the hint.
So Elsa arrived in the same way the Terminator did? Well, that can only mean one thing: Arnold Schwarzenegger is playing Elsa.
Or I could just sit at home and instead watch a living, breathing movie instead of a belated, three-hour advertisement for a spinoff of a sequel of a reboot that's the first in a trilogy of prequels. Oh, AND you'll also have a crowd of numbnuts crouched over their phones looking like they're trying to give themselves…
"Go away! 'Batin!"
I just hope Tom Hanks didn't buttfuck any kids. I sure like him.
Let me write the next story in advance: "According to sources, Shia LaBeouf lost his part in ROCK THE CASBAH after trying to break Bill Murray's Camaro with his penis when he got in a heated argument over Murray trying to ask LaBeouf how his day was going."
Considering how Abdi is apparently dirt poor even with a prominent role in a hit movie and an Oscar nod, him getting another job makes me believe in the human race. And it's about damn time Tilda Swinton did a honest-to-God comedy.
All I'm saying is, if the pilot has her becoming BFFs with a gay male teenager and introducing some school girls to twerking, I'm gonna shit a brick.
No no, ABC Family. If I were kidnapped by Saudi Arabians, I wouldn't look on the bright side and pursue my "intrigue" of their "offerings and people". This isn't SABRINA GOES TO ROME. No, I would be trying my best every single goddamn day to find out how to go Liam Neeson on these motherfuckers. "Yeah, but she's a…
And Lieutenant Max "Think of the future!" Eckhardt in Tim Burton's BATMAN!
Just joking, dude. I know what you meant. Sorry that didn't come across.
That selfish son of a bitch Attenborough can't wheel his chair over to the set for an hour to wheeze off some lines in a whispery death rattle? Pfft. Typical Hollywood asshole.
Up next, STAR WARS VII will be revealed to be about the family of Porkins exacting their revenge on the Skywalkers.
Being annoyed by Kevin Spacey is like being annoyed by air.