Jason Spears


Porsh, uh, finds a way.

You can clean the poop off your shoe, but every time someone smells something on the ride home they’re LOOKING AT YOU.

“made threats of going to a residence in Windham and causing harm”

I think ending a working relationship shouldn’t end a career under circumstances like this.

This unicorn Mazda 626 in the unobtainium “EX LX” trim. To those in the know, this is the “EX LaX” trim, so called because when you get in it and start the engine, you feel like you’ve got to GO.

They’re asserting it will cost them less than 10% to provide the platform, but it will take some time to prove it. The messaging also seems a bit mixed:

“...effectively ended the careers...”


at 73 she’s got no problems having 3 pedals

Is it yawning? Because I am.

If I have that much money and go looking for an older American wagon, it’s probably going to be a Roadmaster. This just isn’t desirable enough to me for the price.

Instead of more accurate models, subsurface scattering would help more. They can be perfectly shaped, but if they still look like grey plastic...

I liked Saturn’s original take.

It’s unclear because they can’t state it as a fact. This is just a rare case of clarity in communication (I don’t mean from law enforcement, just in general.)

When you’re mid-turn in a rear-engined car in the wet, don’t give it the beans.

It’s nice to see that even though he’s stressing the mechanics and process of the thing, he also really knows what the characters are about. The line added for Deckard, “My job isn’t personal,” is pitch perfect.