
Just because you're willing to get on your knees and suck some dick for rent money doesn't mean they have to as well..


Awwww, giiiiiiiiiive me the puppy! I promise to give him back... eventually.

I was j/k, just an offhand way of saying your dog is adorable.

Can I see him? Just for a minute...

Chimera! Adorable. He loves you. Already. And that's the beauty of the Dog. They give you true, total love. Cats (and I'm a cat person becuase my lifestyle wonöt let me have time to realy care for a dog) love you too...but there's always that "if I sit still long enough, they will eat me" thing...

SO CUTE OMG. I love the different colored eyes.

My little guy has eyes like that! One brown, one blue.

Did you get him because you were craving a baby?

Look at the wittle face. I just want to squeeze it, and smoosh it, and cuddle it, and.... I mean, cute dog bro.