
Then let him go quietly, all destroyed and shit. WHY IS THIS ENTERTAINMENT?

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I may be off my Lexapro, so what. That Lamar video has me bawling. For fucks sake. What the fuck are we doing


I would love it if just one “Accidental Racist” admitted that saying something awful and offensive makes it crystal clear to them that they have some serious race issues to address

Stone. Cold. Fox.

I am a fancy cheese person and melting American cheese on my burgers is the only way i’ll fly. Melty, salty goodness.

As an actual labor and delivery nurse, I can tell you that it is not uncommon for nurses to sing “I’m Coming Out” at the desk when we neeeeeed a little boost from the universe

You sir (or madam), are a douche. xoxo

Pray tell: What’s a mouthbreathingwindowlicker?

Alas, I will remain in the greys...

I’ll be in Falmouth on the 22nd. Just Sayin.

All cats are experts at the game “ass in your face” and MY cats are the best at it. Sign me up for some cat-ass-adornment ASAP

Can i take that? that out of fucks line? i’ll give you credit because that shit needs to be spread around

10/10 would do the other thing too. He was a piece

Super Slut?

bless you, my child

(I promise this is about sex. Hang in there)

My daughter’s name is Ruby and her lifelong BFF is named Stella... I have no other point to make

In the words of my 15 year old, nobody listens to WNYC more than me and I LOVED HER! I even Tweeted at her I was so smitten. People can be the WORST

Her parents. I want to know more about them. Bible chapters before dinner? Religious zealotry is at the bottom of this. Those parents fucked up their kids. I’m sure of it.