SG Standard

I enjoyed it to the point where I still haven't watched the last couple episodes because I don't want it to be over.

Strenuously, as I recall.

I did AvX and read a smidge of Secret Invasion when I was reading GotG and Nova, but I have zero desire to ever read Civil War.

So you're saying I should skip it?

I'll admit that the song worked for that trailer, but there are no circumstances where playing a Ramones song slowly is acceptable.

Trailers Seen:

Arrival Review:

I feel like I've been seeing trailers for Sing so long that there was a actually a time when it didn't yet seem like a bargain basement Zootopia knockoff.

One day. Can't we go through one day where the only celebrity death is one worth celebrating?

Because we are all in the Bad Place.

It is physically impossible to listen to that song without doing the high kicks. Same concept applies to whatever David Byrne is doing during "Life During Wartime" on Stop Making Sense.

It worked well. So much of the comedy comes from the quirkiness of the setting and the performative nature of the writing that it would have been funny in any setting, and I knew enough about the characters and their relationships for it to work decently on a dramatic level. There were lots of Easter eggs and in jokes

Hahaha fuck that.

Yeah, this could be another HIMYM situation.

As a newly minted Gilmore Girls scholar, I don't think those were the actual last four words. They don't even constitute a complete clause! It's the end of one sentence and then a brand new one. I smell a second Year in the Life in the near future.

Logan is indeed the wooooooooorst.

She is quite good, and all it took was meeting Logan to immediately put me on Team Jess.

I stared with the new episodes. I'm a For Our Consideration just waiting to be written!

Yaaaaaaaaay to you and Hector both!

This is my first time watching Gilmore Girls but I've already decided that Luke is my new pop culture analogue. It's uncanny.